2016 INDEX

Monday, June 22, 2020

I am shocked, I am shocked – advertisements!

June 22, 2020 – I am shocked, I am shocked – advertisements!

         Now that Garden Gate magazine is over 25 years old, they are taking advertisements.  HMMMMMMMM this is a double edged sword for the consumer reader.  Advertisements are actually useful when they introduce the reader to gardening products.  But, on the other hand, who buys a magazine to read advertisements when you want substance – the meat and potatoes of the topic you want to read about.

         Maybe this is just how it works now in the world – maybe when someone is reading the magazine on line – it is “click bait” advertising and they can X them off.  However, in a magazine, you can’t “un-see” an advertisement, it is right there in front of you, tangible on a glossy page.

         I am a great complaint letter writer and I just zipped off one to the advertising department at Garden Gate to let them know I am a bit miffed and afraid that the 82 pages of substance will suddenly become 20% or more of advertisements.

         I am also curious how they are going to “electronically digitize” their complete magazine collection – on flash drives now.  Include or exclude advertising?

         I watched Horticulture Magazine dwindle into a 60 page vehicle.  Years ago it used to be vibrant with illustrations and information, now it is tepid in most aspects, its only redeeming quality – great photos.

         I can hear some of you saying – it is the new normal, get used to it.  But, I will lament having the printed word reduced to gully location with advertisements filling up two-thirds of each the page.  Yes, I am a dinosaur, I still like the printed page, a newspaper or magazine in my hand to curl up wherever I am. I like to turn down a page to remind me, or to circle a quote, or comment in ink to remind myself to add it to a letter or insert it into conversation, or add to my quote book.

         In fact, today’s quote is:

Social connection is a renewable
 resource that helps address the
 challenges we face as individuals and
 as society.

              - Vivek H. Murthly/Alice Chen

         A friend invited me out to lunch . . . my first toe in the water now that we are in Phase II of the Covid19.  Yes, I am cautious, but we can’t all live at home for the rest of our lives.

         I have managed to slip out to get prescriptions and groceries and necessities since the second week of March. And do an awful lot of on-line buying.  It is time, for me at least, to get out in the world again using precautions before I become a dried, withered leaf which is tossed by the wind.

         And, some of you might wonder where I have been – I’ve been working furiously in the gardens and on finishing up the paved patio and driveway.  I will be back to blogging daily soon.