September 4, 2017 – This is your last issue - Subscription
never fails. I toss pending magazine
subscription notices into the ‘circular file’ as the current issue often
disheartens me. Half the year I open the
glossy gardening magazines and simply yawn at what I see. I find more articles on exotics, cactus, and xeriscaping
than I will ever be interested in. I ask
myself, “Why am I continuing to fork out money for a subscription to this
magazine?” Then, after a once through flipping
the glossy, picture-filled pages, I sigh and toss the offending magazine into
the shredding basket.
yesterday, I tossed the renewal notice away for the third time and now this
months’ issue arrives and there are three – yes – three “on-point” articles in
this issue and it is my last issue.
1. The
publisher profiles Plectranthus ‘Mona
Lavender’ which catches my attention because it has a purple tinge to the
leaves and the flowers are a long tubular shape that I am certain my hummingbirds
will love. That piques my interest and I
will have to research it more.
2. There
is an easy to grow Shallots article, which includes what type of soil
amendments I should use. I am planting
both garlic and shallots this fall.
The soil amendment list is timely and extremely useful. I will scrounge
around in my shed to see what I have to fit the nutrient requirements listed.
3. Another
article, about being a Show-off and preparing your garden for your very first
garden tour makes me stop, prop my feet up, and read the article thoroughly.
Yes, I am a personal garden show-off and give private tours to anyone who
visits. Just this morning I was opening
windows to let in the cool morning air and I stopped to admire my various
vistas. For instance, the view of the front walk from the master bedroom with the
Stachys looking gorgeous bordering
the tall blue ageratums. From another window,
the huge pot of “extreme” orange impatients turned out to be a perfect
counterpoint in the deep shade and few visitors actually get to see it. Yes, an
extremely useful article – even if I am not going to show my gardens to the
public - I can present my gardens better to the casual visitors that come to my
gardens. The article confirmed what my
Daddy used to say. “Just pull every weed and edge your garden.” Yet, it pointed out the intrusive watering
cans and hoses that I take for granted but are disconcerting to visitors.
I cannot see myself dropping this garden magazine subscription when I have
gotten two top-notch issues this year.
I think the magazine executives
actually plan it that way – Don’t you? They prime you with your last issue being
exceptional thereby enticing you to renew at the last minute.
I do not need to “weed” out my garden magazine subscriptions. Maybe I need to
re-think how I look at them by considering the not so helpful issues are like ‘self-sowing
volunteer plants’ that I should pass along to new gardening friends.
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