2016 INDEX

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Book review – “With all Due Respect” – Nikki Haley

May 20, 2020 – Book review – “With all Due Respect” – Nikki Haley

         I ordered this book when Nikki was first interviewed on TV, yet set it aside because of this Covid-19 mess hoping it would go away quickly not realizing it isn’t going to go away any time soon.

         Meanwhile, in the last few weeks I have polished off several paper back mysteries – out of the series sequence - that is always fun. What? Why did the sleuth do or say that?  HMMMM, I’ll have to go back and read a prior book in the series to get a handle on that.

         Then, I decided to do something serious – like dust the library in my formal living room that is now the computer, writing and reading room – my room.  Not exactly a woman cave – more of a writing nook.

         Dust, cat fuzz, clutter . . . needless to say – I rearranged the books and moved a few things around to make things look better.

         I found it strange, yes strange, that after over a year of redecorating this room that I had my stacking sandalwood lined chests in the wrong spot.  I moved them and now the room sings.  And, I will also admit that I have Audubon bird and flower pictures that are framed, but not hung up yet.  Hopefully, I won’t wait another year and a half to do those. 

         So, as I put the Audubon pictures on my to-do list I noticed I had something on my list that has been kicking around just as long – three fresh thresholds from the hall into three rooms that were cut [Thank you brother, Ken, on his last visit]. I had moved them from room to room to room as I have been deep cleaning saying to myself, I’ll get to those soon.

         Finally, this morning I decided to take up the old thresholds and put down the new thresholds and why I put the project off I can’t comprehend.  I poured a cup of coffee and it had to cool a bit before I could drink it so I started the project . . . three thresholds taken up and new ones put down and when I went back to my coffee I was expecting it to be ice cold – it wasn’t – it was the exact hot, drinkable temperature I like. 

         That proves the point – little projects can be itsy bitsy little project – just do them.

         But, as usual I digress, more so than normal as personal contact with the outside world seems so limited now.

         I just read the book “With all due respect” by Nikki Haley – I highly recommend it.  It is well written, clear and concise.  A real eye-opener on how NATO does not work.

         The last chapter – Exiting on my terms: Half of it could be used as “famous” quotes.  Three examples:

“History is easy because facts are real.
What comes next is harder.” - Haley

“And, should life get dicey, I have a couple surefire strategies for coping.  You can say almost anything with both strength and dignity if you start with, “With all due respect.” And a well-timed “Bless your heart” will keep your enemies guessing.” - Haley

“Even on our worst days,
we are blessed to live in America.” - Haley

         I recommend this book to everyone.  It would make a wonderful book to give to a female high school or college graduate to put some fire in her belly to go out and conquer life. Or, a daughter struggling through her career who needs some insight on how to move forward.

         Bravo to Nikki R. Haley on her book – look for it the next time you are out in a bookstore.   With All Due Respect, Defending America with Grit and Grace.

         I can’t wait for that experience again – browsing in a book store!

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