2016 INDEX

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

February 7, 2023 - Book Review: The One Thing


         The One Thing, the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan published by Bard Press, Austin, Texas, ISBN 978-1-885167-774. [2012]


         I jotted down this title a few months ago and acquired a copy through library loan.


         It is a fast read, 240 pages broken down into significant sections.


         Just the quotes alone in this book are worth the read.


         Example:  The first two pages are embellished with animal tracks and read as follows:




flip the page






         Sit with that proverb for a while. Makes sense doesn’t it?


         I recommend this book to everyone:



middle school students,


in college,

in between jobs,

those with unfulfilled lives,

those who have hit a dead end and don’t know why.


         Or, in my case, I am having to shift my focus from caring for an ill husband to what-do-I-do-now.  How do I do it the best way since I don’t have the luxury of time like my younger counterparts.  How to jump over the pitfalls, how to accomplish EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS, how to be successful coming out of retirement.


         There are 18 simple chapters filled with the most inspirational quotes. [I am a sucker for good quotes that make you think.]


         “Be like a postage stamp – stick to one thing until you get there.”

- Josh Billings


         “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”

- T. S. Eliot


         I particularly like the Cherokee elder’s story about the battle of two wolves inside us.  It will give clarity to the young student.


         This is an extraordinary book because it doesn’t just talk about your business goals.  It captures your spiritual life, your physical health, your finances, your personal life, and your key relationships.  It is about your whole life, your faith, your soul.


         Once the authors discuss  what “The one thing”  is – they swiftly move into a chapter about what derails most of us.  I particularly like the chapter on Multitasking and the 80/20 principal.


         It has concise language and backs their thoughts up with graphs for those who are more visually minded.


         There is much to read and take away.  If you have a struggling spouse, lover, or student in your life; I suggest you buy them a copy for Valentine’s day.  It will make the perfect gift.


“Success is an inside job, put yourself together

and, your world falls into place.”



         Excellent book – I recommend it highly.


         They also have a website: The1Thing.com


For up-to-date information, seminars and coaching programs.




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