2016 INDEX

Monday, April 3, 2023

April 3, 2023 - Full Steam Ahead - Microgreens


         My new life – be active – pack it full of something useful and healthy.

          Few years back I started to grow micro greens for my curiosity, and then discovered they are tasty and I just fun to grow.  I started just weekly for me August of 2022.

          We have a fresh market here in the county, and I applied at the end of the summer season and set up to do the winter season – twice a month.  Last April I went full tilt into summer season, weekly and made a place for myself and attracted a bunch of regular customers.

          I’ve about 10 or 12 rotating crops.  Basil being the longest to grow at 21 days.  So, my weekly market means I am growing 3 weeks in advance on a rotating daily schedule.

          The only thing that sort of causes a crisis mode is the NEW MOON and the FULL MOON.  Some crops grow faster during one or the other.  I have not got a handle on the shifting moon.  But, it makes a big difference.

          I created a specialty – Salad Confetti.  I have to grow Beets, Basil and Amaranth – cut them, then mix them and package them to get the final product, Salad Confetti.  My signature blend is how I market it.


         I am having a good time: Quail Thicket Micro Greens.

          This summer season has started, April 1st was the first weekly spring/summer market for Forest City.  The first weekly market for Lake Lure, which is also in this county starts May 6th.  I am gearing up for that.

          I’ve enlarged my grow rooms and we are off and running to be very busy growing, harvesting, marketing and selling micro greens.



         That is what this new widow is doing – she is now the Quail Thicket Micro green lady.

          Come see me sometime if you live in the Rutherford County Area. You’ll find me at the Fresh Market in Forest City every Saturday from now until end of October.



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