2016 INDEX

Monday, April 3, 2023

April 3, 2023 - Full Steam Ahead - Microgreens


         My new life – be active – pack it full of something useful and healthy.

          Few years back I started to grow micro greens for my curiosity, and then discovered they are tasty and I just fun to grow.  I started just weekly for me August of 2022.

          We have a fresh market here in the county, and I applied at the end of the summer season and set up to do the winter season – twice a month.  Last April I went full tilt into summer season, weekly and made a place for myself and attracted a bunch of regular customers.

          I’ve about 10 or 12 rotating crops.  Basil being the longest to grow at 21 days.  So, my weekly market means I am growing 3 weeks in advance on a rotating daily schedule.

          The only thing that sort of causes a crisis mode is the NEW MOON and the FULL MOON.  Some crops grow faster during one or the other.  I have not got a handle on the shifting moon.  But, it makes a big difference.

          I created a specialty – Salad Confetti.  I have to grow Beets, Basil and Amaranth – cut them, then mix them and package them to get the final product, Salad Confetti.  My signature blend is how I market it.


         I am having a good time: Quail Thicket Micro Greens.

          This summer season has started, April 1st was the first weekly spring/summer market for Forest City.  The first weekly market for Lake Lure, which is also in this county starts May 6th.  I am gearing up for that.

          I’ve enlarged my grow rooms and we are off and running to be very busy growing, harvesting, marketing and selling micro greens.



         That is what this new widow is doing – she is now the Quail Thicket Micro green lady.

          Come see me sometime if you live in the Rutherford County Area. You’ll find me at the Fresh Market in Forest City every Saturday from now until end of October.



Sunday, April 2, 2023

April 2, 2023 - Let's Pay the Taxes with Asparagrus



Poem, Tax Time, and Asparagus

      Recently I submitted this poem and was surprised when I got a rejection slip.  I'd had good luck before with it. So, feeling bad for myself I decided to subject you'all to it since I am in a new life now and since it is tax time and fresh asparagus cutting season here in the Carolinas.

     For breakfast this morning, I had sauteed asparagus tips in butter with two eggs over easy on the side.  Then, I rounded my plate out with some homemade cranberry sauce which has ground cloves, cinnamon, and pecan halves. [When I make my cranberry sauce, I add a splash of Cointreau when it is cool right before jarring up.]


           Let’s Pay the Taxes with Asparagus


I shove the signed tax return into the bill basket.

         It’s the same every year – pay, pay, pay.


I tug on my rubber garden boots, mentally scrounging

         for the money to pay, pay, pay.


Sun warms my dismal spirits.  Cut back on groceries,

         and eat lunch in so we can pay, pay, pay.


The mint is fragrant, the chives are shivering,

         and the asparagus is up! Hurray, Hurray, Hurray!


Among old stubble and encroaching weeds tender tips push through

         in response to the sun’s rays, rays, rays.


Succulent green spears, from rhizomes once planted

         in forgotten autumn days, days, days.


Cupboards bare – groceries meager. Yet, we live like kings

         on asparagus, three times a day, day, day.


Taxes mailed by deadline making us poor.  But, we’re rich

         with extra asparagus to give away, away, away.


Saturday, April 1, 2023

April 1, 2023 - My new Chapter - Widow


April 1, 2023 – My new Chapter – Widow

          My darling husband of 45 years died in his sleep in a nursing home on March 8, 2023.

          We had a lovely marriage.  We had fun together, we laughed together, we weathered job losses together, we moved to many locations for his plant manager jobs in injection molding. 

          He was 84 and in poor health.  I’d managed to take care of him at home until the first week of January and then – the bottom fell out.  I was worn out and frazzled and came down with COVID.  I didn’t know I’d caught COVID until I suddenly didn’t taste my coffee.  I thought it was the usual cold misery and being worn out.

          It was all quick, dementia was not confirmed among other ailments and he lost his voice before our wedding anniversary – the one that put us over the top – into Ruby range – 45 years.


          The last time he was “with me” mentally was on Sunday the March 5th  when I visited him in the nursing home. I hugged and kissed on him and talked to him.  He knew it was me.  When I went to leave, I dropped my keys and bent over to pick them up – his hand gave me a love tap on my ass and I turned around and said, “Aren’t you fresh,” laughing at him.

         A mischievous smile swept across his face. Delight was in his eyes. I kissed him again and left.

          Tuesday morning when I arrived, he was staring at a spot where the ceiling met the wall past the foot of his bed.  I leaned in and kissed on him and talked to him, but he kept his attention on that spot above my right shoulder.  My first thought was, the angels are calling him.

         Then, it just happened that the newly assigned nursing home doctor dropped in and chatted with me.  First day on the premises and we had a long chat about palliative care and Hospice care.

          Russ didn’t waiver his stare at the ceiling spot all that morning.  He, of course, listened to our discussion about his care.  The doctor was from our New England and the Doc and I chatted about places in common, Russ didn’t speak, he hadn’t spoken since the end of January.  The Doc had recently moved to the area and came out of retirement.

          When the doctor went to check his vitals, my husband, was startled out of his staring and fear crept over his face as the cold stethoscope touched his chest.  His head reared back trying to focus on this person.  He said nothing and he didn’t look at me.  Even later, when I said goodbye, kissing on him and hugging him, no hug back – no eye contact. I knew he was “gone” – Poof – alive in body, but not in mind. 

          We had a favorite word about the end of life – the end of not being able to care for each other at the home and when we’d need assistance. Kaput.  He knew he was Kaput. We’d discussed it the last time he could speak to me.

          Wednesday morning I got the call at 5:29 in the morning.  When the telephone rang I was awake – as usual – and I said out loud.

          “This time in the morning, this is not good.”

          “This is Willow Ridge, your husband has passed away at 5:26.  I was making my second round, and found he had passed.  He was fine earlier when I came on shift.”

          I am not sure what I said in the dark, but my feet hit the floor.

          “Will you be coming?”

          “Yes, I guess I need to get his stuff.”

          “How long before you come?”

          “Fifteen minutes, half an hour.”

          I can’t remember what else was really said.  I might have said, thank you, I might have said goodbye – I might have not said a thing.

          I do remember it was chilly in my bedroom room.  I found clothes to pull on; I reached for one of his beautiful merino wool sweaters to embrace me.  I yanked on yoga pants, which I never go out in public in.

          I knew right where an empty suitcase was.  I grabbed my purse and my keys and was out the door in a flash.  It was about 22 degrees, I had no coat on, I didn’t care. The cold got me awake.

          Driving up in the dark, I asked myself.  Can I handle this?  Can I look down on my dead husband? Do I have the strength for this; seeing death on his face?

          Then, one of his favorite phrases came to me as if he'd spoken to me. 

          “The kiss of death!”  He always pulled on the persona of a Mafioso type when he was joking around.  He used it often in sentences when someone was going to get in trouble or get fired.  “He’ll get the kiss of death.”

          I laughed and said out loud, “I’ll literally be giving you a kiss of death, my darling.” That moment of honesty gave me strength.  Made me smile and laugh in the darkness on the way to the nursing home.

          Surprisingly at the nursing home, in the pre-dawn, I was easily let in and I did not stop at the kiosk to sign in – purposely.  I walked briskly to his room carrying my rolling suitcase not wanting to wake up other residents.

          The door was closed and I opened it to twilight.  He looked like he did many times when he was sound asleep, mouth open, eyes half open.

          Standing at his bed I went to touch him, but hesitated, my hands were ice cold and then I chuckled again asking myself – do you think your cold hands are going to jolt him awake?  I shook my head at my own stupidity and clasped his hands and forearm.  OH, you are warm.

          Tears streaming down my face the words came to me from my senior high school play of Romeo and Juliet:


…. I see that poison has been his untimely end. Oh you’re so selfish! You drank it all, and didn’t leave any to help me follow you? I’ll kiss your lips. Perhaps there’s still some poison that remains on them which will cure me by killing me. Your lips are warm.

          So surprising, those words reverberating in my head as if I’d re-studied them the night before.

         You are warm to the touch, the caregiver was honest, you’d died in your sleep, recently.

         I leaned in and gave him his “Kiss of Death”.  I took in the whole scene, in the twilight. The caregiver had pulled his blue blanket smooth and crease less, folded his hands nicely.

         I walked around the bed and I brushed his eyes closed, with the thought, it’s not every day one gets to close the eyes of a dead person, especially the love or your life.  Father Brown in mystery movies does it with dignity and grace. I think I accomplished that.

         Then I packed his things, trying my best to be quiet, to not wake the other room occupant.  I packed his shoes, his pace maker gizmo, his clothes, my picture.  I was down to the last items and the other occupant roused from sleep.

         “Where you moving him to,” he queried in the darkness as he sat up and moved the curtain to see me better.

         I hesitated, there is no easy way to say this I thought.  This younger man had had a stroke. There had been a picture of a family on the bulletin board that had been left from a previous occupant before Russ.

         “He is dead, he died in his sleep.”

         “Hot damn, NO!”  He swished the curtain back further and looked at his roommate as he’d seen him often enough in the last two months looking like he was napping with his mouth open.

         Then he apologized for swearing. He often apologized for his salty language and I always said, “Not a problem.” He was shocked, shaking his head, looking at Russ and me unsettled.

          Packed and zipped. I didn’t know what else to do.  Spoke to my Russ, mentally, ‘I’ll see you in heaven, later.  You’ll love God’s golf courses.’

         I carried the suitcase of stuff to the nurse’s station, told them to call Padgett and King and I left the building before I could fall to pieces.

         What is the shame of crying in front of people? Why was I so concerned about the staff seeing me turn into a fountain of tears?

         The rest of the morning I spent making telephone calls. The funeral was already in the pre-planning stage. What a godsend that was.

         I wanted to share this with you all so that you know I am in a new direction now. 

         Everyone is being so nice, and I tell them what I believe.

Part of living is dying. 

         Many don’t know what I mean by that.  But, it is the truth.  We all die.  It is the living that is important.    84 is a good age to attain. Russ lived a full wonderful life and I was so lucky to be a part of it.





Tuesday, February 7, 2023

February 7, 2023 - Book Review: The One Thing


         The One Thing, the surprisingly simple truth behind extraordinary results by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan published by Bard Press, Austin, Texas, ISBN 978-1-885167-774. [2012]


         I jotted down this title a few months ago and acquired a copy through library loan.


         It is a fast read, 240 pages broken down into significant sections.


         Just the quotes alone in this book are worth the read.


         Example:  The first two pages are embellished with animal tracks and read as follows:




flip the page






         Sit with that proverb for a while. Makes sense doesn’t it?


         I recommend this book to everyone:



middle school students,


in college,

in between jobs,

those with unfulfilled lives,

those who have hit a dead end and don’t know why.


         Or, in my case, I am having to shift my focus from caring for an ill husband to what-do-I-do-now.  How do I do it the best way since I don’t have the luxury of time like my younger counterparts.  How to jump over the pitfalls, how to accomplish EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS, how to be successful coming out of retirement.


         There are 18 simple chapters filled with the most inspirational quotes. [I am a sucker for good quotes that make you think.]


         “Be like a postage stamp – stick to one thing until you get there.”

- Josh Billings


         “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”

- T. S. Eliot


         I particularly like the Cherokee elder’s story about the battle of two wolves inside us.  It will give clarity to the young student.


         This is an extraordinary book because it doesn’t just talk about your business goals.  It captures your spiritual life, your physical health, your finances, your personal life, and your key relationships.  It is about your whole life, your faith, your soul.


         Once the authors discuss  what “The one thing”  is – they swiftly move into a chapter about what derails most of us.  I particularly like the chapter on Multitasking and the 80/20 principal.


         It has concise language and backs their thoughts up with graphs for those who are more visually minded.


         There is much to read and take away.  If you have a struggling spouse, lover, or student in your life; I suggest you buy them a copy for Valentine’s day.  It will make the perfect gift.


“Success is an inside job, put yourself together

and, your world falls into place.”



         Excellent book – I recommend it highly.


         They also have a website: The1Thing.com


For up-to-date information, seminars and coaching programs.