2016 INDEX

Friday, May 19, 2017

May 19, 2017 – Message in a Bottle

        Do you remember that movie?  1999.  Starring Kevin Costner, Robin Wright Penn, and Paul Newman and based on a novel by Nichols Sparks. Chick flick?  YES and then NO.  I was reminded of this movie this morning when I was watching the news and I can’t tell you what vehicle was being advertised, but the essence was the sailing team [almost all hunks] were picked up and delivered to the dock and then you see just a glimpse of a sail boat racing. 

        I don’t even think the glimpse of the sail boat at the end was for a quarter of a second but it reminded me of Message in a Bottle.  Me, I’ve been one of the fortunate few who have sailed, and have owned two sail boats when we lived in Delaware.  In fact, I’ve been known to say: 

"A women’s hair should look stylish even when windblown so that when you step off a yacht you look fabulous in your fabulous life . . .and, if it doesn’t . . .then you have the wrong cut."

        Funny thing about sailing, you don’t have to know that much to be captured by the romance of it.  And, as an aside while I was drinking my morning coffee I was pondering on how awful TV was last night.  My husband surfed for something to watch for over 45 minutes [drives me crazy . . . but I was killing time doing some embroidery and tried my best to ignore the ‘surf’]. 

We are in the TV show DEADZONE already and it isn’t even Memorial Day.  We have all kinds of shows that show us all kinds of things – except I haven’t seen a sailing show.  Why not?   Just capture all the major world sailing races, drift from port to port showing all the major yacht club races, meet the teams, find out who the victors are and who their nemeses are, and when you run out of that material you can always interview and preview an actual sail with a sailing entity like the American Schooner which hails out of Rockland, Maine. [If some TV executive actually takes this idea and runs with it . . . please invite me along . . . because I actually do have the right hair style to step on and off sailing yachts. I look great windblown.]

        Years ago I coaxed my brother into sailing with me on the American Eagle sailing out of Rockland, Maine.   It was a great first adventure and then I went again in a threesome with my brother and his wife.  I found it to be perfection – sailing – wind and salt air in my hair, beautiful vistas from the ocean side viewing the land,  good food, and a fun time all around.

I still get the monthly newsletter via email and I know I have at least one or two sailing trips left in me.   If you want to know more about the American Eagle and a great sailing vacation . . . visit the below website.

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