2016 INDEX

Thursday, July 29, 2021

July 29, 2019 – Book Review – How I Saved the World by Jesse Watters


          If you are a conservative, you will love this book.  If you are a Democrat – you will toss it in a fire – because it will offend you. But, you should read it so that you know what the other side of the political coin is thinking.

         The dust jacket comments do not do it credit.  If you find yourself in an actual brick and mortar bookstore – flip to page 151 and read the one-liner out-takes of some of his Watters World interviews on page 151.

         If you admired Watters World or have an affinity for Bill O’Reilly, you will be in for a delightful read.  Not only does Jesse dive into his days working getting the interview for The O’Reilly Factor, he starts his book actually admitting his failures in being unsuccessful in other kinds of work.

         He started from the bottom after several summers of survival camps in his youth.

         This book is beautifully written, clever in his humor and allegories, and his tongue-in-check self-derogation. He made me laugh and smile and underline “touchés” against the liberals.

         Jesse mixes his own personal history, with how he sees life, society, and politics at large, along with deep perspectives of what has happened and is happening in our world today.

         He gives you an in-depth, blow-by-blow account of how he captured those interviews through the espionage, sleuthing, and reconnaissance language similar to Bond, Mickey Spillane, or a behind-enemy-lines soldier.

         You may be riding along with him in an ambush for an interview or holding your breath when he meets Melania Trump, and goes in for a kiss . . .

         Now, you have to purchase the book to find out if he succeeded or failed with Melania.

         Excellent read – overall.  He covered his first 40 years or so of an interesting life and gave us history on the current political scene. 

         Jesse is more than his hair – a lot more.  I admire the dedication to his book, a portion of it is “Timing is everything”- This is a timely book.

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