2016 INDEX

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January 29, 2019 – Yo Yos – dressing up a pillow

         When I watch the news, I stich Yo Yos during the commercials.  If you are unaware of what they are they are a circle of fabric that you stich around the edge and pull the thread tight.  When cinched it turns into a puffy little circle.

         Often I have fabric scraps left over after cutting out an item to sew and I save the small pieces and cut out circles and make Yo Yos.
         Often at church bazaars, you will see dolls made out of yo yos which are rather cute.

         There is a scene in the move “Sleepless in Seattle” where you can catch a glimpse of the actress who plays Annie Reed [Meg Ryan] in her apartment in the background is a tablecloth made out of Yo Yos.  I noticed it the first time I watched that movie and every time I re-watch that movie I write YoYo tablecloth on my “TO DO” list.

         I’ve always wanted a Yo Yo tablecloth like that – and it is still on “bucket list” for craft projects, but I am redecorating my living room and I have two almost lovely pillows that came with a new couch.

         I don’t like the design on one side of the new pillows and I am going to cover that side with white fabric topped with Yo Yos. I have enough Yo Yos for two pillows, but not a tablecloth at this time.

         Above is a picture of the stitched together Yo Yos simply draped over the pillow.  It will look more presentable when there is white under the multi-colored Yo Yos.

         I find it restful sewing these little puffs of fabric.  They keep me busy during the commercials.  Sewing a couple here, a couple there – they add up at the end of an evening.

         Later on, I will coordinate a table cloth.


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