2016 INDEX

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

February 6, 2019 – What is the point of having nice things if you are afraid to use them?

         The theory currently flaunted by the Infinity Luxury Car commercial got me to thinking about the concept of quality and luxury in the context of “Less is more” and “Less is better” as long as the LESS is LUXURY.

         Below are links to the Infinity commercials in case you missed it.

         To recap if you haven’t been paying close attention to the voice over in the commercial:

         “The Rules of Luxury:
         Look, but don’t touch.
         Touch, but don’t use.
         Use, but don’t enjoy.
         Enjoy, but don’t show it.
         If you are going to follow one rule, make sure it’s this one - Luxury should be lived in.”

         It is a new year – 2019 – Shouldn’t you enjoy the luxuries you have accumulated. What are you saving them for?

         Don’t say:  “When I get a life,” because you’ve already got a life.  Life moves on even when you are overworked and your job sucks the lust of life out of you, or if you are not the right dress size [in your mind] or when you don’t have enough money [when will you have enough?] or when __X__ [insert any excuse you come up with.]

         The Infinity commercial talked to me [and possibly to you] and gave me permission to enjoy all the small and big luxuries of life – now – not later – now. 
         I am worth it – aren’t I?  I got this far. It is time to take some of the sweet before it becomes bittersweet.
Luxury should be lived in.  Take it to heart, put it in action today.

         Touch those delicate dishes.

         Use that expensive crystal for your everyday wine.
         Enjoy your cashmere sweater – no need to save it for best – aren’t you worth wearing your best today, and every day?

         Don’t save anything new – wear it right away.  If it is ruined, you can buy another that you might like even better.

         Have you got something tucked back in the closet you are saving for some special occasion?  Well, don’t save it, tear the tag off today and wear it now.  Make every day a special occasion.

Enjoy the luxuries of life now, because life does have an expiration date.

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