2016 INDEX

Saturday, June 1, 2019

June 1, 2019 – Cat magazine – should I?

         I own a cat alarm clock.  No, it is not a Big Ben with pointy ears and painted on whiskers – it is a real cat, with pointy ears, whiskers, and a  fluffy tail who kneads my chest at just about the same time every morning – just before 6 a.m.

         Jasmine is my alarm clock. I think she wants to watch Steve Doocey and Brian Kilmeade on Fox News – no – just kidding.  She wants a bowl of crunchy cat food and a perch on her table in front of the front window in order to watch dawn break.

         Yesterday, in my junk mail – you can tell how darn hot it is that I am reading junk mail instead of being out in the garden doing something . . . oops I digress.

         I received an advertisement for Catster Magazine.  A newsletter with fascinating feline facts. 

         Why do I read these?  A few years ago I signed up for a “copywriter” writing course and since then – I read my junk mail.  I just couldn’t get into the mindset of the copywriting writing product.  I put in about two months and then let it slide because I really wasn’t into it.  So, I am impressed when I see good copywriting.

         I couldn’t help but notice the bolded question:

         Why does my cat wake me at the same time every day?

         Most mornings my eyes simply pop open at 5:45 a.m. even though the dawn isn’t breaking and there is no alarm clock ringing.  Knowing my cat’s early a.m. routine of walking up my body from toe to chest – the amount of single paw weight is magnified and often makes me wince - I try not to alert my cat that I am actually awake. Once she settles on my chest she licks me with her extra course sandpaper tongue and I have to move my arm to pat her as I don’t want my forearm to be sanded smooth.

         I’ve always wondered how does she know I am awake if I’ve only opened my eyelids and not moved my body or head.

         The answer was in the Catster literature trying to sell me on buying their magazine.  They say:

         It’s not just your routine that has her batting you awake at the crack of dawn.  Thanks to a cat’s internal hardwiring she can actually sense when you’re about to wake up and hasten things along with her paws!

         I’ve played possum on a few occasions and Jasmine has actually tapped my face with her paw as if to say – Are you dead or playing possum?

         So, I’ve said my cat is my alarm clock – now I know she really is.

         Among other items of interest were: 

         Why do cats love people who don’t like cats – or are allergic to them.  I now know the answer to tell my friend Becky.  She is allergic to cats, and doesn’t my Jasmine just jump into her lap with glee at every one of her visits.  Becky pats her lovingly and then pays the price later.  Reason:  The cat sees her as nonthreatening and becomes curious and feels safe approaching her.

       Another answer to my wondering: That sandpaper licking – a sign of great affection and paying you a huge compliment.

         Fun facts about your cat’s tail – confirmed my suspicions of what my cat is thinking or feeling.

         And lastly, “How your cat says, “I love you.”

         When your cat looks at you and slowly blinks her eyes, it’s her way of blowing you a kiss and showing you some love.  Funny that, when she wants up on my lap she sits at the foot of my chair and does the slow eye squeeze and I do it back to her and she jumps up for her long pat and comb out.

         I didn’t know I could “talk” cat.  This magazine might be of interest after all.

         Well, the last two made up my mind – I will bite for a sample issue.

         Free issue, no obligation.  I tore out the coupon and sealed it in the accompanying envelope then smiled to myself . . . darn good copywriter – I hope he or she made a good paycheck on this advertisement.     



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