September 3, 2020 – “Book rate please,” I asked.
“Does this parcel contain anything fragile,
liquid, perishable, or potentially hazardous like batteries or perfumes that are
unless reading the books inflame one’s mind,” I answered with a big smile,
behind my mask. Maybe the postman could
discern I had smiling eyes.
He looked
up and eyed me and said, “Good one,” and chuckled.
Wow -
the postal worker got my joke, and he even had time to chuckle. I get two
points for that don’t I?
not clever verbally, very often and that just sort of popped out today – out of
nowhere, even amusing myself.
that a sign? - A sign that I am getting used to this stay-at-home if you can
situation, and run several errands in sequence for less of a footprint out in
the public.
went grocery shopping last Friday mid-day and I had half a dozen things on my
list I couldn’t get at the three stores I stopped at. I decided to make another
stab at those today.
things that seem to be missing from the shelves, spice drop candy and ant spray
for example. I felt as if I struck gold
when I found both, and my brand of cat food crunchies, as well.
was a red-letter day until I got home and realized everything was crossed off
my list, but I’d failed to write much needed coffee k-cups on that list. I guess I will drink instant coffee to
stretch what we have until I go grocery shopping next. That is not roughing it too much, I trust I
will survive.
feel invisible wearing a mask. Do you?
People seem ashamed to look at you as if they are hiding behind theirs. They avoid looking at your eyes, they look
down at the floor and scurry aside like mice when lights go on.
is a shame no one knows if you are scowling behind your mask or smiling, a
confident walk can only go so far. A muffled
“Have a great day!” seems to just be lost now in this masked situation.
I used to toss them out to total strangers all the time, especially when
gallant Southern men held doors open for me.
“Thank you so much, you are so gallant!”
It just doesn’t have the same ring when they can’t see your genuine
smile because of a mask. I miss those halcyon days.
the next stop, I did the side step swish with an on-coming gal in a classy
outfit who had a color-coordinated mask.
I tossed her a compliment,
look nice!”
paused a millisecond and decided she didn’t know me, and swiftly moved on. I guess
I shocked her – is there some rule that masked people aren’t supposed to be
nice to the oncoming pedestrian traffic?
hope it improved the rest of her day. I hope she wondered later – “Who was that
masked woman?”
best we can do in these Covid19 times is to be upbeat, and continue on as best
we can. I am trying to with as much levity
and charm, as I can muster.
well everyone.
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