2016 INDEX

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

January 27, 2021 - The 1776 Report editorial


January 27, 2021 – The 1776 Report editorial


On January 18, 2021, The 1776 Report was issued by The President’s Advisory 1776 Commission, in response to President Trump’s executive order of September 2020 instituting a Commission to promote “patriotic education” in the United States in anticipation of the 250th anniversary of our founding.


Newly inaugurated 46th President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., rescinded the commission within hours of his taking office. What reprehensible narrative was included in The 1776 Report that President Biden had to eradicate it from the White house website yesterday?


The 1776 Report was in response to The New York Times’ 1619 project filled with malicious falsehoods being thrust down the throats of students across our country.


Approximately 81 million Americans voted to put Biden in office, leaving 74 million Trump voters in the minority represented by Congress, (211-R; 221-D) and the Senate (50-R, 50-D, with D-Vice President for tie vote).  It was a slim margin of merely 4.37% of the popular vote, and yes, I understand we have an Electoral College system for voting so that the rural areas can compete with the metropolitan areas’ ideology.


I anticipate the Democrats will pit the different parties against each other over a margin of approximately four percent.  We fundamentally disagree on how the government should run this country. 


In order to be fully informed I suggest you read The 1776 Report.


         An excerpt:


“The main causes of prior republican [government] failures were class conflict and tyranny of the majority. In the simplest terms, the largest single faction in any republic would tend to band together and unwisely wield their numerical strength, [in this case power] against unpopular minorities, leading to conflict and eventual collapse.” [ ] inserted by editorialist.


Is that where we are going in this country?  The Democrats with their radical liberal left, are attacking the nuclear family, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. The Democrats now push for equity instead of equality, a type of social justice, being pushed under the guise of identity politics, sorting citizens into “protected classes”.  What happens when you are not in that protected class?  Will they forfeit your right to equality?


The United States of America is not a failure that needs to be radically changed.  Historical revisionism of the 1619 revisionist history tramples our historical truth, “shames Americans by highlighting only the sins of their ancestors and teaches claims of systemic racism that can only be eliminated by more discrimination.”


Enough of the radicals screaming systemic racism and white privilege from the roof tops using it to silence us.  Trump had 74 million votes because those citizens want to be heard, not ignored, or silenced. 


Educate yourself so that your next vote really counts in 2022.


Meanwhile, you can include me in the deplorable and irredeemable group who can’t be “re-programmed”.


Note: You can view or print a copy of The 1776 Report, at the Trump Whitehouse archives:




 This was published in The Daily Courier on January 23, 2021.



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