2016 INDEX

Saturday, December 31, 2016

December 31, 2016 – New Year’s Resolutions

          Over the years I have made different types of New Year’s Resolutions. Some were far reaching and I was unable to accomplish them.  Many were simplistic and lasted more than a year and are now built into my modus operandi.

          When people ask I blurt out my favorites:

          The year of the pin.  Or you could say the brooch.  I love big pins and realized I didn’t seem to own but a few and discovered a lovely shop in Chesnee, North Carolina, Harley’s Dress Shop that always has elegant pins as well as fun pins and reasonably priced pins.  That year I made the decision to add “a lovely pin” to the top of my shopping list whenever I went shopping.  It was a successful campaign – I now have a wonderful collection of pins for all occasions and I enjoy wearing them immensely.

          After that “easy” year I realized I needed to do the following roster to accomplish filling out my wardrobe and my accessories:
          The year of the scarf which is now an on-going thing. 

The year of the shoe – also successful; the right shoe for every outfit – OH I had happy feet that year.

          The year of the slip and camisole.  You can’t even find them in stores anymore. But, some dresses just need a slip or they ride up.  That year I grew my collection to include different lengths for different outfits.  I used to wear more dresses at that time.

          Those were all easy to accomplish, at the end of the year I had tangible results to enjoy and continue to wear.

          Then I shifted into things that were more difficult and less easy to track.

          The year of “working smart” – not working harder – just smarter.
          The year of being organized.
          The year of “healthy food.”
          The year of using my time wisely.

          Then, I slipped back into more easily trackable things:

          The year of the journal.
          The year of painting every room in the house.
          The year of landscaping with trees and shrubs.
          The year of interesting continued education. [Brick laying, keeping bees, etc.,]
          The year of perfect housekeeping.
          The year of updating the kitchen utensils, pots, pans, baking items.

          Then I came up with something that would please others all year:
          The year of the greeting card for the ‘other’ holidays, i.e., Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, etc.
          And of course, I’ve the done the “Diet and exercise and the lose weight and the eat right and get healthy” for many years.

          Also the year of prayer and finding time to squeeze in more prayer.

          Then one year I worked on just patience.  I would take a magazine with me when I had to stand in line and violá – suddenly no line.  I would take a book to the auto place when I needed repairs and – they were suddenly quick.  When I went out to lunch with a friend – I wasn’t concerned that the staff was slow to serve us – I enjoyed the company of my friend and wasn’t looking at the clock.

The year of patience taught me to expect the mediocrity and ineptitude that has permeated all levels in society and just be “patient,” because they do not know what they do.  A good lesson that has served me well; others might consider it “just chilling out or kicking back”.  Either way, it is a good thing to learn and practice.

          After all the prior year’s resolutions which many theories and practices have spilled over into becoming permanent in my life, I am at the cross roads of picking my New Year’s Resolution for this year.

          I have whittled it down to the following:

                A place for everything, and everything in its place.

                Learn to live within my means.

                Devote the year to taking care of ME; my health, my spirituality, and my creativity.

Or maybe I should simply say:

A year for me to just do it all - that is do ‘LIFE’ better.

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