2016 INDEX

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 22, 2017 – The mysterious shadowy figure.

          I was engulfed by the inky darkness of the night as I held Jack’s leash tightly.  Recently I’d become afraid of new ruffians in the neighborhood, so I picked our way cautiously across the lawn to his toilet area extremely alert to all that was around us.

          Just like the night before, I saw in the shadows someone creeping along the white blockade fence that surrounded my neighbor’s pool near the property line.  I stopped in my tracks holding my breath in the cold night air.  Suddenly I heard the  ‘who-who’ of an owl as I often did on these evening strolls, but now it put a shiver up my back instead of my usual “all is peaceful” sentiment. 

Jack was now finished with his business, and the menacing shadow was still there.  I tugged Jack’s leash and we made haste to return indoors.

          “I saw someone in the shadows again.” I called to my house guest in the next room as I unleashed Jack then put up his leash and gave him his treat.

          “Now you have me worried.” She said looking at me as I settled into my favorite chair to watch the early news.

          Later that evening getting ready to take Jack out for his “last call” until morning, I clipped on his leash and called to my guest.

          “Come on, you said you’d come out with me.” 

          “I’m already in my pajamas!”

          “You only have to come down the front steps and keep watch. That’s all I am asking.”

          “All right.” she said as she grabbed her winter coat and pulled it on.

          Jack tugged me quickly down the steps and out across the lawn as was his usual routine and the shadowy figure was there again.  It must be stalking me. Jack was doing his business and I turned to look over my shoulder at my guest who was hugging herself to keep warm in the dark, deathly silent night.

          As soon as Jack was done, I tugged on his lease and ran back to the safety of the front steps.

          “Did you see it?  The shadow was there again.” I gushed.

          “You ninny, that was your own shadow.”  She laughed at me shaking her head. 

          “No it wasn’t.”

          “Give me the leash, go back down there again.  But don’t turn to come back – walk backwards and you will see for yourself.” 

          I did as told and as I walked down the lawn the stealth shadow appeared on the fence.  I stopped, it stopped.  I walked on, it moved along the fence.  I stopped, it stopped. Then, I walked backwards and the shadow receded and slipped from my neighbor’s white blockade fence.

          “It’s your neighbor’s security light you idiot.”  She gave me a hug and said – “Now make me a cup of hot chocolate.”


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