2016 INDEX

Monday, February 27, 2017

February 27, 2017 – Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock

          I switched to an old fashioned Big Ben alarm clock a few months back.  I had an electric alarm clock that had giant effervescent green numbers that lite up half the room at night when I would try to get to sleep.  I eventually had to turn it face down and cover it with a box or that eerie green light would keep me awake.  And, when the power flickered just a little during thunder storms, I couldn’t figure out how to re-set it.  That simply drove me insane.

          So, Santa Claus brought me an old fashioned Big Ben alarm clock – which has batteries, but that is okay, I also have a little black alarm clock I took traveling with me on the side dresser and when I look for the time, I consult both of them.  I seriously doubt that they will both need batteries at the same time.

          For some strange reason, I am not sure why, but maybe it is the food I am eating, or the fresh air, or who knows what, but my hearing has suddenly improved.  It is usually the other way around. As you age, your hearing normally declines.

          The other night my traveling clock seemed like it was on steroids or something and I got up at 1:30 a.m. and moved that incessant tick-tock, tick-tock to across the room.  It didn’t help.  I laid there in the dark and could hear it just as loud, but I swear it was even louder. 

          How could that be?  As I was laying there in the dark I noticed that the Big Ben on the tall armoire was now in complete sync with the traveling alarm and the two were tick-tocking at the exact same time and it seemed like a snipe drum was playing in my dark bedroom.

          First I tried the pillow over my head; but, then I got too hot and hadn’t fallen asleep and I could actually still hear tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock through the pillow.  I was tired. I wanted sleep.

Finally I got up.  I was thinking of putting them both in the adjoining bathroom, but then I figured they would only echo more off the porcelain of the sink if I placed them there or on the edge of the tub which would create an echo chamber.

I opened the door of the armoire and set the Big Ben inside it and shut the door.  No sound.

I opened my lingerie chest top drawer and put the traveling alarm in there. Again, no sound.

Silence . . . . how wonderful.  Sleep, even more wonderful.

Except, when I do get up in the middle of the night I can’t tell if it is just pre-dawn and I can safely get up or if it is 3 a.m. and I need to go back to bed and get more sleep. I have to grope around and open a drawer and press a light button on the traveling alarm to consult the time.

Not only grouping around in the dark, I added another duty in the morning after making the bed I have to retrieve the clocks and set them out so I actually know what time it is.

I can’t have it all – silence and knowing the time.  

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