2016 INDEX

Saturday, October 20, 2018

October 20, 2018 – Kudzu eradication – update

         The weather has turned cool, I harvested my first broccoli head for supper last night and I have about 6 more to harvest in the next few weeks.  I planted winter lettuces the other day now that the nights and days are cool.

         And, I took some pictures of the Kudzu patch that has been brought under control – not 100% complete – but “it is looking good!”

         Before picture:

         After picture:

         I’ve a bit more to do at the property line and then I have to go back over the area that I got cleaned up and be vigilant when the missed ‘knobs’ start to re-grow. I missed the below knob and you can see a 2-foot raised stem coming up to latch onto something and lower, splayed out growth.  I have to go back with a pickax to dig down to get the "Knob" in order for this to stop growing.

         Then, I will turn my attention to the opposite end of the property line – the furthest section away from the house and work back to the middle where I have it  under control.

         It will be a long process, but it is fulfilling to re-gain my acreage and I like the look of a clean property line view from my various patios.

         Remember: What we do in the fall months in the garden helps out tremendously next spring.
         A reminder – now is the time to take up your caladium bulbs to let them air dry in the shade, then cut off the stems and roots and box them up and keep them in a warm place over the winter.

         It is pansy planting time here in North Carolina and now is the time to purchase your daffodil and tulip bulbs.  When it comes to bulbs – the bigger,  the better.   Then, get them in the ground before November 15th for the best spring display.
         Now that the cool weather has arrived, good gardening to everyone 

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