2016 INDEX

Saturday, November 23, 2019

November 23, 2019 – Inevitable change – DAH to AHA

         First, the “Dah” moment that was pointed out to me by my brother Ken who is four years my senior when he was visiting in October.  Gosh, I hate to look “dah-dumb” in front of him. We were discussing something about my smart phone and he argued with me, “Yes it is a USB – go get it – I will show you.”

         So, I trotted to the bedroom where I plug in my smart phone at night, unplugged the cord from the electrical outlet and brought out the cord.

         He immediately pulled the square box that had the two prongs for the electrical outlet from the rest of the cord and voilà, USB cable and an electrical outlet plug.  He put them back together for me and handed them to me with that knowing smile.  What did I say?


         So, you can see that many of these new technologies I am embracing I don’t fully grasp.  I was dumbfounded and enlightened at the same time.  Not a sensation I have experienced much over the years. 

         Bring that thought forward and think about my new found ‘enlightenment’ and we will move to the shopping for a light box.  I have drooled for one these last six months after I took a Calligraphy class this last spring and had the opportunity to test one out.

         As I was shopping, I kept noticing that they were connected with a USB cable and many indicated that the electrical connection was not included.

         I am simple – sometimes too simple for my own good – I don’t have another USB connection to my computer – so it wouldn’t do me any good if I didn’t have an electric connection.  Besides, I don’t want to use it at my computer, I want to use it at my kitchen table where I have more room to spread out. 

         On the one hand, I can often give you the botanical name of a plant in my yard as well as its complete horticultural care, but on the other hand, when I am looking at new technology – I am often in the dark, literally this time.

         I wanted the light box for my new ministry – I am on the Sunshine Committee for The Ladies Guild at the Immaculate Conception Church and I wanted to be “fancy” with the lettering on the monthly cheer cards to our folks in the nursing homes [that is my group].  I thought it would give them a little thrill to see their names in fancy calligraphy – make them feel a little special for a moment.  I find that older folks admire good handwriting and this would give them a flicker of “Oh, that is nice!”

         Three days I prowled the internet for a light box and concluded – no electric connection.  Then waking up one morning I suddenly remembered my dumbfounded enlightenment about the smart phone electrical cord.

         AHA! - I immediately ordered a light box.  It arrived yesterday and I trotted to the bedroom, retrieved the electrical connection plug, and started it up. 

         OH my, what fun!

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!

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