2016 INDEX

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 6, 2018 – PotMaker  - to help save the earth

         The PotMaker has been on my wish list for years and this year I finally bought one as the price had dropped as low as $14.95 plus shipping. I ordered mine from Vermont Bean Seed Company along with some seed.  I notice Lehman’s has them at that price on special and Pinetree Garden Seeds has them at $12.98.  So, if the price has been holding you back – this is the year to go for it.

It is a lovely tool. All hardwood – Fabriquée en Canada par. Nice neat little box with pictures and instructions on the outside.  Feels beautiful in the hand, the wood grain is beautiful to look at.  It is so pretty, you could use it as a paperweight in your office where you keep track of your garden plantings.

You cut 3 ½ by 10 inches pieces of newsprint and wrap it around the large dowel and then fold the bottom edges in, slip the bottom piece over the newsprint and give it a squish and I gave it a few turns.  It says you don’t need to glue or tape – but me, I put a touch of tape on the bottom and at the seam.

I took this morning’s newspaper, cut it up, and made them.  It was such fun and a soothing process.  I had some hydrated coir left over and filled a few of them. It makes a nice little 2 ¼ diameter paper pot that holds a good amount of soil.  I made 18 paper pots, filled them all with hydrated coir, and put them on the upside down cover of a plastic storage container.  I had just emptied out a Rubbermaid Keepers Clear Box this morning cleaning and had it available.  I snapped the bottom over the top that held the 18 pots making an instant little greenhouse.  I can carry it outside when the sun comes out and then carry it back in at night.

Now I wish I had bought my Daddy a PotMaker when he was alive as he raised his tomatoes and peppers from seed and I am sure he would have loved it.  Me, I intend on raising some shallots from seed and also will probably give my summer squash and winter squash a helping hand this year and raise them from seed and plunk them in the garden.

I won’t have to scrounge around for little plastic pots anymore as I can now make as many as I want from my daily newspaper for free.  Free is always a good idea.  Maybe every few days I can cut the strips and set them aside for when I need to make pots.

If you have been skeptical and have wondered about the PotMaker, take my word for it – it is a lovely addition to your garden tool box.

         I didn’t find much history, but I did find this was invented by Otto Richter, Canada’s largest herb grower. A clever man, I am impressed.

Happy Growing to you all.

[And, no, you can’t borrow it!]


1 comment:

AJ said...

?, pot maker, do you mean it makes little pots so that you can use seeds instead of having to buy plant's and then just put in the ground then walla...

LOVE your blog