2016 INDEX

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

December 18, 2019 – Politics and how educated we are becoming

         Everyone in America has had a refresher course in civics in the last six months as they are reviewing or learning words, phrases and ideas they have never heard or understood before.

         An easy way to what American’s are not certain of is to follow the “pending” words on Merriam-Webster’s M-W’s Word of the Day website at: mwwotd@wotd.m-w.com.

         The most recent comment that had me wonder how educated us Americans are becoming as we watch this almost three-year witch hunt play out was:

Not a scintilla of evidence.
Scintilla = a tiny trace or spark
 of a specified quality or feeling.

Example: “A scintilla of doubt.”

         I will just toss out dozens of phrases or words that have us all thinking, researching, and waiting for the next element of the pending Impeachment, to drop in our laps.

quid pro quo
CHS [confidential human sources] vs. spying
UCEs undercover employees
spying – or wearing a wire
whistle blower
you work at the pleasure of the President
Kangaroo court
held in contempt
due process
call transcript
perfect call
Sixth amendment - right to face your accuser
Three branches of government
perfect phone call
contempt of congress
presumed innocence vs. assumption

         And, I ask, “What the heck did he mean by that?” – Former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s “. . .whatever drug deal Sondland and Mulvaney were cooking up,” comment.

         I am the proud owner of Volume 1 and II of the Mueller report – Yes I have read it.  And, last week I pulled down the PDF file of the Office of the Inspector General’s report on FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation and had it printed out at Staples.  I am wading my way through the 476 pages with 535 footnotes.

         During this ‘historical’ time in the United States, you will fall under three camps.

1.    Don’t care – I haven’t the time or inclination.

2.    Care – but I am too busy to research it myself and I believe all the drivel the media is pumping out on the news channels I watch.

3.    Believe there is FAKE NEWS and will research it all myself – at the source – in order to make up my own mind.

         You are a member of the Elitists, or the Common man, or the head-in-the-sand.  Which media outlet do you watch and listen to? There is FOX news and then the rest, the Fake news media.

         Are you a deplorable and irredeemable, and more recently called “cult” or a member of the resistance?  You will have to decide.  It is your future, your finances, and possibly your livelihood.  It will come down to free market capitalism versus socialism. I suggest you do a little bit more than being passive, I suggest you read and question and research what is really happening in America today.

         As you might have guessed, I fall under camp 3.  I pulled down a copy of the Ukraine phone call transcript within hours of it being on the internet. Every American should at least read those five pages during this Impeachment of President Trump.

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