2016 INDEX

Monday, March 2, 2020

Don’t Look Back

March 2, 2020 – Don’t Look Back

         The other day I noticed an embroidered pillow at a gift shop that said:

Don’t Look Back
you’re not going
that way.

         It made me stop and think about looking forward is a good way to live one’s life.  The past is the past and the present is today – a gift for all of us to take advantage of.

         I am looking forward to spring and planting flowers.  I am looking forward to finishing the ninety percent complete driveway and back patio.  In fact, this afternoon looks like it might be mild enough to get out in the yard and pick up another load of downed limbs.

         There are daffodils blooming that are quaking in the breeze, I’ve changed my Valentine’s decorations over to St. Patrick’s Day decorations and the grass in the lawn is starting to turn green.  I am looking forward to mild weather and spring.

         Looking forward is looking good today. 

         Right now, I am multi-tasking – I’ve the doctor’s office on speed dial and I was supposed to call first thing at 8:00 for an appointment in May for my husband.  YEAH – me and the other 100 people trying to queue up for an appointment at the cardiologist’s office, we seem to have so few doctors these days.

         Every other minute I push the re-dial button and every time I get a busy signal.  I am keeping track how many times I have called just for “sport”.  So, I am tied to the telephone until this “appointment” is made.  I am up to seven fruitless calls so far – should I place a Las Vegas Casino bet on how many calls it will take me?  NAH – no money riding on it.

         Now I am on hold – there are 13 calls ahead of me. Oh, there are 8 calls ahead of me. 

         Eureka! Appointment made – yes, that is looking forward – now I can do the rest of my looking forward projects . . .  put the washed dishes away and get to today’s “to-do” list.

         I will leave you to have a wonderful day with a few more inspiration quotes:

Life is about accepting
the challenges along the way,
choosing to keep moving forward,
and savoring the journey.
– Roy T. Bennett

The past is a place of reference,
not a place of residence;
the past is a place of learning,
not a place of living.
– Roy T. Bennett

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