2016 INDEX

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Best seat in the house and Catholic hand washing

March 26, 2020 – Best seat in the house and Catholic hand washing

         This is what I have been dealing with for the last few weeks.  I didn’t know Jasmine camped out so often in my easy chair when I was busy.  But, the rains have driven me inside and I have had to pull the pillow out from under my cat dozens of times in the last few days in order to get to MY CHAIR.  She has the love seat, and the decorative butterfly chair, but insists on camping out in MY CHAIR.

         And, lap time . . . has increased four-fold.  She is worried, she must understand what is being said on TV with all these briefings from our President Trump.

         Yes, I like his optimism.  Yes, this country needs to be at work in a safe way – it wasn’t made to be “shut down” or “shuttered” or “killed by the cure” as he is saying.

         And, all those journalists with their NASTY questions.  Can you just give it a rest?  It is something unexpected, unforeseen, unknown.  Would you all stop being so negative and pessimistic.

         If this does anything for this country, it will force people to re-prioritize their lives.  Re-think everything they do and maybe, just maybe, those that are atheist, or agnostic might just find religion.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Now for some fun:

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