2016 INDEX

Thursday, July 26, 2018

July 26, 2018 – Angel hair spaghetti squash

         Angel hair spaghetti squash, Cucurbita pepo, is a smaller sized spaghetti squash with 1 to 1 ½ pound fruits perfect for single servings. Angel Hair spaghetti squash with a growing season of 88 days and an average yield of 14 to 15 fruits per plant is a little dynamo in the garden!

     I planted seed directly the week of May 21st.  I am at the 65 day point and they are starting to turn yellow.  Middle of June, I had to cut the vines back seriously because they were taking over my entire back patio even though I had given them the entire 15 x 4 foot wide vegetable garden to romp around in.  At that time, I snipped back each vine after I saw 4 or 5 fruits starting.  Again, this week, I had to snip back the vines to keep them in check. Easily there are a couple dozen fruits.

         Trust me, they are prolific.  The beautiful big vine makes visitors ask – “What is that growing all over the place?” I love the sheer amazement in their voices.   I smile and chuckle at the non-gardening visitors – it doesn’t take much to excite them – huge leaves, long vines and they had not even set fruit yet. 

         Last year I had ample spaghetti squash – not this smaller variety – but they were gigantic – 15 to 20 inches long. I ended up with too many large ones.  Hopefully, these small ones will store well enough so that I can get more of a benefit out of them through the fall.

         Now will be the hard part . . .being patient waiting for the skins to turn a deep yellow gold and hard enough to not be dented by a thumbnail before I harvest them.  

         I highly suggest this variety due to the vigor and the amount of fruit per vine.  Plant on wide-open spaces to grow them and let them run all over.

I will return to the blog and report on the flavor when I actually harvest, cook and eat one to let you know how the flavor is.

I ordered my seeds from Johnny Selected Seeds, below link:

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