July 7, 2018 – Charles Krauthammer – 1950 – 2018
betraying your whole life if you don’t say what you think – and you don’t say
it honestly and bluntly.”
- Charles
Krauthammer – said during his interview in 2013 of his Best Seller book, Things That Matter.
shall miss Charles Krauthammer. Spinning
my wheels in trying to make a living and living my life, I paid less attention
to the news in my earlier years. However, from Carter years on, I started to
pay increasingly more and more attention to the news and became more discerning
of whom I listened to.
first presidential election was a choice between Carter or Ford in 1976, with
an outcome of 297 to 240 electoral votes. Carter won.1 [Side note –
the electoral votes of California went to Ford – a Republican – recently those electoral
votes of California went to Hillary Clinton, who lost against Trump in 2016.2] The one issue that prompted me into action
was Carter indicating he wanted registration of women for military service.
Women registering for
the military service even in times of peace were of serious interest to me as I
was in my early 20s and unmarried at the time. [I suggest you look at two items
3 and 4 that discuss Israel women in their Defense Service.] I telephoned
all my friends and urged them to get out to vote on that one issue alone. But, Carter took office, 1977-1981.
[See Proclamation
4771-Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act, July 2, 1980.5] This one item mentioned in the run for
president cemented my closer attention to elections and politics.
Fast forward, 35 – 40
years and I am now retired and have ample time to pay attention to politics and
I suggest those that
haven’t had the time to pay attention start to pay attention now. There are things in the wind that everyone
needs to understand deeply in order to combat or follow – whichever he/or she
Suddenly on the scene
is “socialism” – not just Bernie Sander’s version – a younger candidate –
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems to have an expanded view .
I learned about socialism in high school along with communism – did you? What version - the 1970s version or the 2016s
version? Much of history is being
watered down and rewritten to make it more palatable.
Now that there is a vacancy
on the Supreme Court to be filled, everyone is howling about Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) being
overturned. I suggest everyone research
this topic before speaking. Start at
Wikipedia 6. Please pay
particular attention to the section entitled: Activities of Normal McCorvey, who was Jane Roe. Even though she was an original party to Roe
v. Wade, and sought to reopen the case, she failed at overturning this case in
2005. The Supreme Court refused to grant a writ of certiorari.
Before you debate the
topic – whatever the topic is – be sure you know what the history is and/or the
Another topic of
interest in the news these long months since the election of President Trump in
2016 is the constant clamor for his impeachment.7
Several resolutions have already been introduced . . . and I imagine many
more will be introduced. It is
interesting reading for either side of the Trump camp.
Again, I will miss Krauthammer. Many evenings cooking dinner I’d often say to
my husband, “Turn up the volume – Krauthammer is on.” Charles’ eloquent discourse on all topics
taught you how to debate rationally and fairly.
You need to know both sides and be able to talk about both sides in a
civilized manner.
I refuse to be shouted
down by someone else because they think MY VIEWS ARE NOT IMPORTANT. They only want one side - their side with no
debate. I will not be quiet. I will use
the phrase au contraire more often
meaning a “polite way of saying I have an
opposite point of view”. Many may
think it is a four letter word or consider it humorous, ironic or simply dramatic. It will be my basis for civil discourse. And, when all else fails and I am being
shouted at or told that “you must be drunk” when I am dead sober I will use my proverbial
shelf-method which is announcing “We obviously disagree on this and will always
disagree on this subject. Let us say no
more until after the election or after the current President it out of office.” That will be my polite shut down.
However, I will not
abandon my view. I will vote my view – behind curtains in the voting booth and
making sure I only entice similarly minded friends to go out to vote and never
advise those that disagree to get out and vote. And, dancing in my head will be
‘I told you so’ when the pending crisis or conflict works out in the real
world, not in the fanatical world of bullying loud mouths.
It is time for conservatives to arm themselves
and speak up and in the end vote for conservatism.
I will leave my “hot
topic list” with Krauthammer’s quote because he has given me the inspiration
and impetus to speak honestly and bluntly about anything.
“You’re betraying your
whole life
if you don’t say what
you think
– and you don’t say it
honestly and bluntly.”
- Charles Krauthammer
The Weekly Standard – Issue July 9/July 16, 2018
has a wonderful editorial about Charles Krauthammer.
See https://www.weeklystandard.com/issue/23-42
Research Notes:
(4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_in_Israel
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