2016 INDEX

Saturday, July 13, 2019

July 13, 2019 – Elvin McDonald – legendary garden editor & author

         Better Homes and Gardens had a one-page lesson in plant history, design and charm in their May 2019 issue, page 74, by Diana Dickson about Elvin McDonald.

         In brief, he has written and taken photographs for more than 75 books and spent 30 years as garden editor in various magazines.

               He uses pine needle paths in his gardens – I like that – simple, pretty, natural, easy to refresh – gives me an idea that!  I use them as mulch, I like the look.

               He doesn’t plant in his garden the same plants he sees driving around town – I get that.

               I had a big chuckle to one question and his answer:

            Question:          Any lessons for new gardeners?

Answer:             Sometimes when gardening you can become too focused on one spot.  It’s important to stop, walk away, and look at it from a new perspective.  If all you do is merely take a step back, you risk stumbling over the wheelbarrow.

         He must have seen me in my garden two months ago, getting a fresh new perspective of my garden as I was suddenly on my butt struggling to get up from the mountain of weeds I found myself in when I stepped backwards, knocking over my wheelbarrow. I thought I’d just take a look at what I’d just weeded. – I didn’t know he was in the area critiquing gardens and gardeners.

         What did my husband say?

         “You don’t get worker’s compensation working in your own garden. Be more careful.”

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