2016 INDEX

Monday, July 15, 2019

July 15, 2019 – Gomphrena – wonderful flower for drying

         Gomphrena globose – Globe amaranth is one of my favorite annuals here in the South.  It can take the heat and sun and is rather drought resistant once established.  The plant can grow up to 24 inches high, but usually mine are shorter because I clip the blossoms for dried arrangements.  It is just the thing for full sun.  I prefer purple because it gives a “pop” to the flower gardens, but this year I could only find lavender and it is lovely as well.

         I snip the freshest, roundest inflorescences and use them in my heart shaped holder that hangs above my doorway between the kitchen and mud room.

         Later in the season, I snip more to dry on a tray and later detach the flower head from the stem and toss into potpourri for color.

         And, several years ago I snipped smaller flower heads and shoved them in a heart shaped bottle, added liquid glycerin, and corked the top.  It makes a charming objetd’art, that collects many queries and comments. The blossoms drowned in glycerin last years before the color fades – even then – still pretty.

         So far I haven’t tried them from seed, but seeds are easily obtained from a multitude of seed companies.

         Gomphrena is a real trooper in my garden all the way into fall frosts.

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