2016 INDEX

Friday, July 19, 2019

July 19, 2019 - Pen mightier than the sword

This is a shorter writing to a picture prompt.

Yesterday I posted a long one and a day or two before the Writer's group meeting I found a topic that I could squeeze under 600 words.  The picture will be at the end on this one.

And, of course, this is fiction - except for the pen - that is real.


The pen is mightier than the sword.

         “Amazon delivered a package for you today,” my wife, Angela said as she pushed it across the center island. She was peeling carrots, looked up at me curiously, and took a double slug of red wine.

         “That was fast, I only ordered it on Monday,” I answered noticing the wine bottle already half-empty. Pouring myself a glass, she’d have less to drink.

         “What is it,” she asked tumbling the carrot chunks into the roast pan around a huge chunk of beef.

         “Something for work.”

         I eased myself onto the bar stool across from her. After the kids were old enough for school she’d not gone back to work. Her MBA degree is wasted supposedly playing tennis with her friends.  Still a beautiful and smart woman, she is more a stranger now to me with her dramatic mood swings.

         “Open it, I want to see.”  She shoved the roaster pan into the oven and turned around with her hands on her hips. I knew that demanding stance all too well. Dinner would be late; she knew I hated to eat late.

         Opening the package, I slipped a silver pen out of the box showing her.

         “A pen? You own dozens of pens. What’s so special about this pen?”

         “It’s a magic pen, it’ll make you disappear.” I slipped it into my shirt pocket.

         “Tom, that’s stupid.”  She swilled her wine and emptied the rest of the bottle into her glass.

         “It’s a gravity pen – writes at all angles, even upside down,” I said nonchalantly.

         “Just what every engineer needs.” Angela said sharply turning on her heel and leaving the kitchen.  I escaped to my den to watch the news. That was what my life was upside down and I didn’t know why.

         A few days later during lunch with a couple fellas from work, the server bounced my plate of enchiladas off the table edge which overturned onto my Khaki pants.  Apologies ensued.  I brushed myself off the best I could and told everyone I’d see them later.

         At home, I unlocked my front door and galloped up the stairs to change.  Half way down the hall, I heard murmured voices.  Seconds later, I stood in the door way surprised, but then again, not really surprised.

         I reached to my shirt pocket and double clicked my pen. Bare-assed, brazen Angela frolicking in afternoon delight with the tennis pro. Infidelity – in my house – in my own bed.

         It took courage to remain calm. I leaned against the door jam and mentally counted the seconds. They were oblivious to my presence . . . 76, 77, 78, 79. Suddenly Angela and Alex, the tennis pro scrambled.

         “What is the point covering yourself with sheets Angela, I’ve seen you naked for years.” I called.  Alex reached for his clothes on the side chair.

         “How long has this been going on?”  No answer.

         Pulling on his clothes, he skirted the room making his way to the exit.

         “Alex, you live over on Ridgecrest still?”

         “Yeah, what’s it to you,” he snarled.

         “Just wanted to know where to serve papers.”

         Angela having pulled on clothes came at me with her hands on her hips saying,

         “You’ll do no such thing.”

         “I don’t see why not, this little scene is being videotaped.”

         “Where’s the camera?” she sassed me.

         I tapped my shirt pocket.

         “Records 2K HD video at 30 frames per second with night vision and a 65 degree angled lens.  I told you this pen would make you disappear.”

Note:  camera pen sold by Hammacher - link below

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