2016 INDEX

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July 17, 2019 – Book Review – Justice on Trial

         I’ve been a fan of Mollie Hemingway for some time now, seeing her mostly on Fox News.  I love the way she nails a controversy with the shades of Charles Krauthammer’s clear voice and logic.

         Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino have generated a landmark book, entitled Justice on Trial, The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court.

         BUY it and READ it.  What the American people watched unfold on TV is nothing compared to this book.  It is behind the scene details of what actually happened.  The book arrived on Tuesday afternoon.  I inhaled this book – I couldn’t put it down.  So well written – it simply pulls you in by the scruff or your neck and doesn’t let you go for a moment.

         Not often do I stay up until 2:00 a.m. to read non-fiction – but this book will make you reach for extra strong caffeinated coffee so you can finish it.

         Of course it is a best seller – it is fascinating - a must read before our next judicial nomination to the Supreme Court.

         An absolute eye-opener of our judicial system – currently and through recent history.

         Buy it, read it, pass it along - every grassroots Constitutional loving American needs to read this and then pass it into the hands of those living in the fog so that they can become aware of what is actually happening in American politics.

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