2016 INDEX

Friday, September 2, 2016

September 2, 2016 - Are you local? 

Today’s Question:

The other day I was asked “Are you local” and I hesitated. 

How long do you have to live in a town before you can answer “YES”? 

The next time someone asks me this I am going to say, “Define LOCAL”.

Do the mile posts or yardsticks of life have any correlation on are you local?

I’ve lived here since 1985 – that is 31 years.  Which is also 31 years of my 38 year marriage; we passed the silver anniversary [25] and the pearl anniversary [30] but not the ruby anniversary [40] mark yet.  Does that count for anything?

Is it done by years, or local accomplishments, or how many jobs you’ve held or lost in the area? Is it as simple as a check box on items you complete?  Is that a 100 percent completion rate or do we get there by getting to 95 which used to equate to an “A” in my old college days?

Let’s do a quick tally and see where I am:

For 31 years, I have been a registered voter and voted in every election. [x]
For 31 years, I’ve paid real estate taxes. [x]   
For 31 years I have faithfully attended the Immaculate Conception Church; was Past President of Ladies Guild [7 years] and co-author of the first cook book. [x] 
For 31 years I have continuously subscribed to The Daily Courier. [x] 
For 31 years I have had a Library Card. [x] 

ICC Graduate and ICC Alumni Club. [x] 
Foothills Toastmaster’s member and past President.  [x] 
Entrepreneur at St. John Title Company, LLC for 10 years. [x] 

Maybe it is based on how many books you’ve borrowed from the local libraries.  Is that a cumulative basis, i.e., so many books equal so many points?  Or a simple check box?

Heck, the first two years I lived here I checked out every gardening book in the Mooneyham library and then shifted into other interesting things. I must have met my quota for at least one [x]  if not more.

Do I get a bonus check because I have taken books out of all out the libraries including Polk?   [x] 

Countless Rutherford County Arts Council plays and assorted concerts I’ve attended since 1985.[x] 

Multiple impassioned editorials I’ve submitted to The Daily Courier. [x] 
I was interviewed by Virginia Rucker back in the late 1980s with a big splashy picture in The Daily Courier. [x] 

A second big splashy picture and article about the Ikebana Flower arranging class I did at ICC in The Daily Courier a decade later. [x] 

I’ve been in dozens of group photos in The Daily Courier for Who’s Who Among American Junior Colleges, Chamber of Commerce ribbon cuttings, Foothills Toastmaster President and officers.  A few press releases mixed in with the listing of honor rolls or awards received over the years – just like all the locals.  [x] 

Or is it just the day-to-day stuff of living:

How many cars have I purchased here in the county? [x]  Or, how many odometers have turned over at 100,000 miles here in the county? [x] 

How many car batteries, windshield wipers, brakes, or tires come in to play or earn a check mark or two? [x] [x] 

Or, moving from one house to another house to the third house in three different locations in the county? [x] [x] [x] 

How about activities like swim classes, yoga, aerobic classes? [x] 
How about selling flowers and produce at the Farmer’s Market? [x] 
How about attending every Owl’s Baseball home game for at least one full season? [x] 

Where is this secret chart of check blocks or the cumulative point scale? I need a sneak peek to see if I am on track.

Or maybe it is about the infrastructure?  I’ve flown in and out of all 3 airports –Charlotte, Asheville and Greenville/Spartanburg – does that count for anything?

When? When will I no longer be considered an outsider?  How long does it take to become one of you ‘all?

Maybe it has to do with what has changed since I’ve lived here?

[x]   Alexander Mills was annexed into Forest City.
[x]   The 221 divided highway they were talking about way before we arrived in 1985 still hasn’t made it all the way through the county – just up to maybe Shiloh?
[x]   We witnessed the 74 bypass of the 74 bypass that goes from Forest City to I-26.
[x] [x]  The county was dry – no drinks in any restaurants when I came – hey put a double check mark there – we now have restaurants where we can imbibe!

[x]  The Red & White grocery store gone – a drug store sited there.
[x]  The original K-Mart is now the Mighty Dollar.
[x]  The second K-Mart is still empty with Rocky’s Lounge on the east side.
[x]  The original Wal Mart is now Save-a-Lot with Tractor Supply on the east side.
[x]  The Harris Teeter is now Ollies.
[x]  The original Food Lion is now J’s discount. Just to name a few.

Or is it perhaps watching the careers of people:

A fine example would be my Business Law professor at ICC, Dr. Myra Johnson, who replaced Dr. Willard L. Lewis, III, in 2009 as President of Isothermal Community College.  And, then the Honorable Walter Dalton, former Lieutenant Governor, [I once worked for him as a paralegal] took over in 2013. [x] [x] [x] 

I have lived, laughed, cried, played, worked, gardened, shopped, and prayed here for years.  Did I miss some category of living not listed?  It’s been a journey – am I there yet, am I a local yet?

Please tell me what life event opportunity have I missed out on that I could collect points or check a box?

I’ve been asked countless times:  “You look so familiar, do I know you?” or “I’m sure we’ve meet?” Are there any points or check boxes for those?

Do these milestones of one’s life finally make you a member of the so-called “local” club or does it always go back to the state and county printed on your birth certificate?

I may not have been born here, but it is likely I will die here.  Will that be a bonus point?  Will that get me over the top?

Will two local friends stand side by side reviewing my body in death’s repose and say,

“She is our people; she is one of us.”  “Yup, could call her local, almost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm leaving my comment for you to ponder. From the first day I met you which has now been more than 30 years ago, when you pulled up in the smallest car I had ever seen loaded to the gills you started your journey on becoming a "Local Yokel". I thought this has got to be the craziest woman I will ever in a lifetime meet. I believe it was one of the hottest days of the season and you were scurrying back and forth with the movers. I watched from my window and asked myself, hmmm would she be insulted or feel I was imposing if I went and offered my help or if there might be anything that you needed. To my surprise when I made the move to go ask and you surprised me with , why yes I could use some ice and some Toilet paper. Oh how I laughed and still do to this day. So my dear, I believe you became a local that very day. Of course the reason I say that is because here in the South no one other than a local would have the nerve to ask a stranger if they could have some Toilet paper. And so the journey began........What a ride we have had!!!!!! I'm your number one fan.