2016 INDEX

Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13, 2017 – A surprise compliment.

          Years ago I watched a talk show that introduced the power of a “Joy” journal.   I was home sick with the flu and could hardly sit up to watch with my hot tea laced with honey and my plate of orange slice “smiles”.

I can’t remember who the speaker was or what show it was but I was in a blue funk about every little bitty thing in my life and I was bitter and angry and felt abused by the world.  Lately in my work realm, the word “cooperation” among team members was some sort of foreign language to all of them. It wasn’t just my typical “blue Thursday” of my work week it seemed like I hadn’t had a breath of fresh air in months because my nose was to the grind.  Being worn out and run down I got the flu.

The guest was discussing how she had raised the bar on being the biggest complainer in her little world and suddenly she had an epiphany of some sort.  I don’t know what made her suddenly change from complaining to searching out one little glimmer or nugget of joy every day, as I was half delirious with that miserable flu.

But, I did get the solid bottom line of what she was talking about.  If life is the pits, grab an empty journal and mark it as your “Joy Journal” and every day carefully look for some little speck of “joy”.  All day long in all your work and your play and your interactions with people be on the lookout for something to put into your “Joy Journal”.  At night before you go to bed, review your day and identify something that was a “Joy”.  It may be hard in the beginning, but in a few days while you are looking for Joy your attitude will shift so that a tidbit here, a comment there, or someone did something nice that was unexpected.   In a few short weeks of looking, suddenly you will become a magnet for moments or comments you can roster in your “Joy Journal”. 

Needless to say, that day I unearthed an unused journal and started a “Joy Journal”.  Being so sick with the flu the only entry I could come up with for the first day was:  “My sweet cat came and cuddled with me on the couch.”  It was a beginning.  And, I kept a “Joy” Journal for several months.  It improved my attitude towards life.

Fast forward to a few days after Christmas this year.

As each co-worker arrived at work I asked, “How was your Christmas?” with a cheery voice and smile.

I listened to three sad stories in a row of how their Christmas was either awful or spoiled or ruined.  I was trying my best to have empathy but getting three “Bah Humbug” Christmas stories one right after the other took the wind out of my sails for a moment or two.

Finally, a younger employee clocked in and I asked, “How was Santa to you?”

“Santa thought I was poorly dressed so he brought me clothes.”  The young man stated flatly. 

“What a great line.” I chuckled.  The young man cracked a smile.  He had been disappointed as he probably had wanted some sort of electronic gadget and ended up with just clothes.

The supervisor came in and assignments were given for our work that evening and we scattered and got busy.

Later the young man asked me, “So, what did Santa get you?”

“I live with Santa, he always spoils me.”  I said. [That is my standard line when anyone asks – because it is the truth.]

“Yeah, I can picture you as Mrs. Claus.”  That made me smile and laugh.  I thought, finally a second moment of “Joy” after three very sad stories. 

I remembered a few days earlier as I was singing “Joy to the World” at Mass Christmas Eve my mind stuck on the word – JOY – and I was reminded about my old “Joy” Journal and wondered where it had drifted off to.  Note to self:  Locate Joy Journal – would be a fun read.

          I was chatting with a lovely woman from Church on the telephone and out of left field she mentioned the day she and her late husband had been introduced to me at Church.  She gave me a rave compliment that was so unexpected and so glowing I was almost speechless.   As she continued to talk I was patient and waited until she had concluded her point and then I profusely thanked her for her beautiful compliment.  And, my thanking her gave her great Joy.

          Yes, I need to start another “Joy” Journal.  I need to pay more attention to the Joy that is floating around on a daily basis and record it so that I can shift my attitude into attracting even more Joy.


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