2016 INDEX

Thursday, January 26, 2017

January 26, 2017 – Joy Journals – A little tidbit from a “joy” celebrated

          I am still working on the Marie Kondo’s tidying and cleaning project.

          GOSH, I really did not realize how many books I have accumulated.  They were tucked away in closets and cabinets and in the book cases.  I have taken them all out and divided them up by subject.  Now they are in different piles on my floors in respective rooms. 

It seems so wrong to toss a hardbound book out; I can still remember the black and white newsreels that were shown in high school history class showing the Nazi’s burning books – the flames leaping up as more books were tossed on.  It was beaten into my head that you should not toss out quality books.  And, I obviously have lived that theory . . . that is why I have way too many and am now wading through this pack rat book situation.

          And, honestly, as Ms. Kondo said – this takes time – books and papers and pictures.  I am making headway – I have a very large pile of books to be discarded as well.  Not sure where I will take them - possibly a thrift shop or a used book store.

          I have dozens of garden books – yes, I did pry my fingers loose from many on round one.  They are lined up against a wall waiting for another round.

          Then, I located my journals that I have kept on and off over the years. How could I not read a few pages here and there?   My own handwriting is so easy to read and they transported me back to joyful times, stressful times, out of work times, etc.  I have them all segregated and I have found a location for them – except I think new location might be too small. . . . Oh well, I’ll re-think that.  Eventually when I unearth all of them, I will mark the date on the front cover and put them into chronological order.

          I did find Joy Journal No. 1 and Joy Journal No. 2 – not sure if there is a Joy Journal No. 3 – we will see.  I read Joy Journal No. 2 – lots of rainbows and humming birds and early morning birds waking me. Yes, lots of Joy in those slim volumes.  Just reading them has reduced my stress [what stress?] as I was re-living my joyful moments of 1997 and 1998. I sure hope there is a Joy Journal No. 3 in the stack.

Then, one particular JOY incident was so fun I must share it with you.

          “April 1, 1997 - Tuesday – I wore a pair of shoes I’d worn only a few times last year – after I had gone to work I realized I only had worn them a few times because they hurt my feet – no they kill my feet.

         Arriving home it was with great pleasure and enjoyment that I took my shoes off at 5:30 p.m. at the door, padded to the kitchen and pitched each one in the kitchen trash can. Wham, one went in, Wham, another one went in.  OH, my feet feel better already!

         Boy – does that feel good.  One less pair of shoes in the shoe armoire and one less pair of shoes that kill my feet and I did it in front of my husband.  He was both surprised and amused.

         Finality; take charge attitude, and a felt darn good action.  JOY!”

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