2016 INDEX

Monday, January 16, 2017

January 16 - 2017 – Marie Kondo’s tidying up magic Part 2 - Folding

This is continued from yesterday’s blog. 

Once I put the clothes back in the closet, I moved onto all the bureaus and pulled the items all out so that I could learn the art of folding clothes for storage.

          I honestly suggest that you get this book – just to learn her folding technique and why you fold.  One chapter subheading is entitled, “Fold it right and solve your storage problems” I read and re-read this section carefully.  “Folding is really a dialogue with our wardrobe” was another line that I grasped easily.

          Finally one of my house keeping problems was identified: Once the laundry is done, folding and putting things away seems like such a chore to me.   This is where the magic is, in my opinion; you store things standing up rather than laid flat so that you can see where every item is at a glance.  She relates this to being able to see the spines of the books on your bookshelves.

The author then coaches you on how to fold your items and how to utilize space wisely.  

First I sorted out joy from non-joy.  Then I put like items in separate piles and started with the sweaters.  I folded them softly and lovingly, so that that they were the “height” of the side of the drawer and then lined them up from left to right in the drawer.   OH MY!

I can see each one of my delightful choices quickly.  So much better than the sweater shelf method!

I can now open the drawer, decide on which one I wish to wear, pull it out and wear it.  At the end of the day, I lovingly fold it again and put it back where it belongs – because there is a ready and waiting space for it.  When I close the drawer it is a vision of organized loveliness.

Suddenly, my bureau drawers are harbingers of joy, joy, and more joy everywhere.

We are onto something here!

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