2016 INDEX

Friday, January 6, 2017

January 6, 2017   - Another floor mopping story.

          During our time at our first house in this county, my good friend, aka ‘Chip and Dale’ shopping friend, and aka golf buddy, moved to South Carolina.

          Her husband worked for Duke Power and they were transferred to Greenwood, South Carolina – home of Park’s Seeds.

          My dear friend asked me for a favor.

          “Sure, no problem.” I answered.

          The moving day arrived, the van loaded up and the family of four was gone.   As arranged, I met the realtor who sold the house.

          In preparation for the selling process and final “walk through” of the buyers in the future, I had something I needed to do that my good friend couldn’t do because of timing and logistics of the move.

          Jesse, the realtor let me into the empty house the next day.  He immediately went through to the bedrooms to check that the windows were all locked and the place clean.

          I went into the kitchen and knelt down on the kitchen floor and scrubbed with a Brillo pad the distinct mark that the small chest freezer had left that had been up against the wall.  You know that awful mark that is left when a freezer has been moved from its location and you have swept and mopped around it for years.   My friend hadn’t been able to do it because of the timing of the movers.

          Jesse found me in the kitchen at my project.

          “You sure are nice . . . I wouldn’t do that for anyone.”  He stood there looking down at my progress.

          Sitting back on my heels I was surprised.   This grubby, ugly mark could make or break the sale of this house; he of all people should have realized that.

          “That’s what best friends are for.”  I stated and went back to completing the favor.

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