2016 INDEX

Saturday, March 11, 2017

March 11, 2017 – The World Almanac – oh what memories

        In the last few days I noticed a small article about The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2017 which is still being published in paperback format as well as hardback.  That surprised me in this day of the internet.   I think the article said it has about 1,700 pages.  I can’t verify that, but I do remember it was a chubby book to hold.  How wonderful!  The article brought back great memories.

        When I was a kid, my parents always bought a new edition every year so that we had a “go-to” place for information.  Mom and Dad wanted us to become educated and responsible adults who could find employment so that we would leave the nest when the time came and not move back home.  [They were successful there – three kids, all went off to employment and never had to come back to the nest – that is a “well done” Mom and Dad.] 

The World Almanac was often on the end table for weeks after it was first purchased as everyone in the house took turns perusing it.  Then it finally found its place in the book case under the bay window always available as a reference tool.

        It was amazing all the information that was crammed into it on thin pages and small print in a delightfully chubby book to hold.  Often it was the jumping off point to a debate over some fact, or a starting point in coming up with some sort of idea to write for a class paper.

        What I remember about it most was the sheer surprise the first Christmas I was married and I opened the gift box from Mom and Dad.   There was a package that was obviously a plump book and I thought it might be the Almanac.  The tag said “Both of you” as she often sent house gifts we would both use.  Yes, Mom, it was a perfect gift.  We were living in Kansas City, Kansas, at the time and when we unwrapped it we immediately went to the State of Kansas and we read all about it. [No, actually, I was curled up in my Christmas pajamas with a cup of coffee and I called out the facts to my husband.  I still enjoy reading out loud to my husband interesting tidbit in books, magazines or the newspaper that I am reading.  Often he does roll his eyes – but more often than not, he does appreciate the info with a nod or a smile.]

Yes, we needed that basic information about Kansas at the time and for years afterward Mom would send a new one at Christmas time for our household.  Each year we left it on the end table and often we would just pick it up and flip to something interesting and new – much like everyone now does when they surf the web.

A nice memory; it was really the perfect gift and I think I may just order one since they are under $20 for a paperback one.  Just the thought of a book so crammed with information at your fingertips sort of screams at me.  Yes, I will put it at the top of my “buy” list when I am out and about at a bookstore in the future.  I look forward just reading the table of contents and the index to get the curiosity juices flowing.

Yes, an old fashioned reference tool.  I look forward to it.
But now I shall need to dust off the trusty magnifying glass to
lay on top of it.

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