2016 INDEX

Friday, March 3, 2017

March 3, 2017 –   Bouquets of Daffodils

          Ingles has 3 bunches of 10 daffodils for $5 again this year.  Hurray!  I grabbed $5 worth as I like to see my daffodils out in the yard at the same time I have them in the house.  It is sort of the same theory as “having your cake and eating it too”.

          When I brought them home from the grocery store I mentioned them to my husband as I cut the ends a bit before I arranged them.

          “Do you remember the first time you bought me flowers?”  I asked him.

          He looked up from the TV and smiled.

          “Oh, how I remember that night.  You brought me an arm-load of daffodils. I was so delighted.” I said to jog his memory.

          “That flower vendor who was always under the bridge.”  He commented and went back to his TV.

“Remember, we only had two tall vases with small necks and I filled those and then ended up putting the rest in a dill pickle jar and drinking glasses.” I continued to talk as I arranged them by putting 20 stems in my perfect [for daffodils] blue vase and 10 stems in a green vase for the St. Patrick’s Day mantel.

          “You didn’t even know I loved daffodils then . . . .”  I plunked the blue vase on the end table beside him and put the other one on the mantel.

          I was in heaven on earth again for a minor $5 expenditure.

And then my heart with pleasure fills
and dances with daffodils.
William Wordsworth

A house with daffodils in it is a house lit up,
whether or not the sun be shining outside.
A. A. Milne

He that has two cakes of bread,
let him sell one of them for some flowers of the Narcissus,
for bread is food for the body,
but Narcissus is food of the soul.

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