2016 INDEX

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 15, 2017 – I espied a Leprechaun . . . and I caught him

          I had some extra time and dropped into a discount store last week and was looking for a little bit more “IRISH” to add to my St. Patrick Day’s mantel piece.  From the entry way I noticed a display area that had plenty of Kelly green and headed straight for it.

The store had the usual picked over stuff that was found in most of the discount stores in this area.  

Years ago I realized I have an additional advantage to sniff out a bargain or something not easily found. Being reasonably tall at 5 foot 7 ¼ I always look at the top of the display or above the display.  There was a hodgepodge of stuff on the top of this display which was possibly things that hadn’t been put out, so I took a good look.

          There was a little black felt boot of something. I reached and tugged and the little foot was attached to something of course.  I found it had a little gold buckle – that looked interesting.  I tugged some more and it slowly came out of the clutter and I espied a white and Kelly green striped stocking leg.  OH, this had to be something of interest so I yanked at it and up sat a Leprechaun.

          He was eye to eye with me on the top shelf. I snatched him immediately knowing they get away in a blink of an eye.  I immediately smiled.  I’d never seen a Leprechaun doll in all the years I had prowled stores in March to celebrate one of my most delightful holidays. [Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day is my motto.]

          He has light green linen jodpur breaches, a gold buckle belt, green checked shirt under a darker green linen jacket, green top hat which has a whimsical sweep to its brim, a big sewed on smile, and silly ears that peek out of the upper part of his brown felt beard.  There is no mistaking he is a Leprechaun.

          I instantly made my first wish out loud, “You are too cute, I hope [wish] I can afford to buy you.” In my mind I had a figure that I knew he could possibly cost, and when I fumbled for the tag I found he cost less than 3 cups of Starbucks coffee.  Again, out loud I declared, “You are mine!”   [Yes, I am that woman who talks to herself in the stores – you have probably met me or my type.]

          I cradled him on my arm like a ventriloquist’s doll as I trotted through the store with a new lilt in my step.  A few of the older patrons took a double take on my Leprechaun and a slow knowing smile came on their faces and twinkles came into their eyes.  I smiled back.  They were as charmed as I was charmed – the little Leprechaun was doing his magic and I was witnessing that magic first hand.  I kept a close hold on him as I didn’t want him to slip away.

          He is made so that he has some sort of weight in his bottom so he can sit on a shelf.  Sitting, his upper body including hat is 13 inches tall and his legs stick out 12 inches.  And, he has a felt shamrock tied in a bow in his left hand which he hasn’t given me yet.

          When I came home I immediately introduced him to my husband who really didn’t have a remark at first but smiled back at him. When I elicited help for a name he tossed out a few good Irish names.

          We whittled the names down to the matchmaker in the 1952 classic movie, “The Quiet Man” who stars John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara that was filmed in Ireland.  Michaeleen Oge Flynn is my little fellas name after the actor Barry Fitzgerald.  If you’ve never seen the movie, it is really well worth it as it is in color and a true donnybrook takes place.

          One of my favorite lines in that movie is when Mary Kate Danaher [O’Hara] asks Michaeleen,

          “Could you use a little water in your whiskey?”

          “When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey; and when I drink water, I drink water,” resounds Michaeleen.

          Right now my Leprechaun, Michaeleen, is perched on the mantel piece. His black felt boots with gold buckles are jutting out as if he is going to jump down and dash away at any moment.   He brings a smile to my face every time I look at him – that right there is true Irish magic.

          But, I think he has to stick around until I make my next two wishes – we will see.

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