2016 INDEX

Saturday, March 25, 2017

March 25, 2017 – Catastrophe struck – quick action?  AH, . . . NO . . .

          I drink coffee at my computer desk all the time – I have for years.  However, today – I knocked my full cup of hot black coffee over somehow.  I don’t know if I was reaching for something, or pulling my mouse closer to start work or what – WHAM – Coffee cup simply turned over onto the keyboard and rolled to a stop by its handle.

          Quick action on my part I snatched the coffee cup upright not allowing it to pour out any more coffee but it was just about empty. I instantly turned the key board over draining the black liquid out of the key board panel.  I then turned it upside down while I went “hunting” for towels to clean up the mess.

Quick action getting towels to clean it up? - That’s a giant “NO”.

          OH MY – black coffee travels a long way in all directions when a desk is relatively flat.  I ran to the cleaning closet and grabbed a handful of cleaning towels and came back and started mopping up.  So, my quick action took much longer than I had anticipated.

          OH MY – under the phone, under the calculator, under the speakers, under the label printer and getting close to the opening where ALL the cords go down to the electricity – GASP.  I made dams out of towels so the liquid could spread no further and then started the cleanup process.

          I almost created as much damage cleaning the little mess up than it actually got a chance to create.

          I left the key board upside down to dry out and went for my morning walk. 

          Now, several hours later it smells like a bistro here at the keyboard – which surprisingly is still functioning.  And, the biggest Catastrophe is the brilliant thought I had when I sat down to write a blog got swept up with the spilled coffee.  Not a shadow of it remains in my mind.  Not a glimmer of a hint remains.   POUF, it is gone.

At least the keyboard still works, that is a good thing.

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