2016 INDEX

Monday, March 6, 2017

March 6, 2017 – The Lenten season – this year’s challenges

        As many of you may have deduced by now, I am a practicing Catholic.  [There is the November 20, 2016 blog about the Rosary beads that surely gave away any secret.]

        As many know you are to give up something and/or add something to your life during Lent in order to increase your humility [from dust you came to dust you shall return] or increase your faith.  

        I have done one of each.  I’ve given up sugar and cream in my coffee and I have been successful at this only one time before during lent and most of the time that first cup of coffee on Easter Morning is exquisite when I revert to old ways.  I wanted the practice to be permanent, but not having much self-control I lapsed back into the ‘useless calories and fat’ of the sugar and cream in my coffee habit.

        I am on day six (6) of no sugar or cream in my coffee.  And, it has a second side effect.  I drink less, yet I find the coffee does have a better flavor – not masked.  So my January 10, 2017 blog of “one ping only” is now passé.   Hopefully, this time I can go without sugar and cream forever.  Won’t that be a nice exchange of “real calories” for healthy food instead of “hidden calories” in my morning cuppa java?

        That was the “give up” and now for the adding something in for spiritual enlightenment.  Our church has a Marian Consecration going on this year from February 18th to March 18th.  We are using the book by Father Michael Gaitley entitled 33 Days to Morning Glory.

        I had read this book previously, and it is a “Do-It-Yourself Retreat” in preparation for Marian Consecration.  What is different about just reading the book and this group effort is the addition of videos and a workbook for small group discussions and review of the material. 

        I am in week three (3) of this project and it is an eye-opener of where I am in my faith.  I find it challenging to “ponder” on a certain prayer daily, but it is good training of the mind and does make you think more about your faith, your religion and what you may lack.

        If you are interested in the program you can get more details from https://www.allheartsafire.org/

        What is especially nice about going to a groupthink like this you find “like-minded people” who are on the same journey as you are spiritually finding their way.  Some are ahead of you, some are beside you, some are behind you, but you are all on the same path.

        The program’s most redeeming quality is that it is in the current vernacular – not in the archaic language of St. Louis de Montfort.   I too, waded through St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary several years ago, just like the author, Fr. Gaitley did.  It was more than challenging.  I found it intellectually difficult to say the least.

        This book brings in the thoughts of St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa, now a Saint, and Blessed John Paul II, now a Saint, to give you each of their perspectives and how they intertwine.

If you are religious, I pray that your faith grows during this Lenten Season.


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