2016 INDEX

Sunday, March 26, 2017

March 26, 2017 – “It’s Officially Spring” – He’s back

          My darling husband who was out sitting in the sun just came in and came to my office and said.

          “It’s officially spring,” and then leaned on the desk to get my full attention.

          “And,” I answered knowing he was holding back something.

          “Mr. Snake – about 4 feet long – thin . . .” he started.

          I cut him off, “Where?”

          “Came out from under the shed and went past me sitting on the bench then toward the property line near the wheel barrow and down into the creek.”

          He had silently watched him travel a long way. That is approximately 7 car lengths I mentally calculated.

          He continued, “Out probably looking for mice under the shed.  He was thin about that big around.”  He made a circumference with his thumb and first finger.

          “Four feet long – is not a little snake – black snake?”  I countered his gesture.  The goosebumps come up my arms instantly as I am putting this all into perspective.  He nodded his head in the affirmative.

          Me, I had so much more work to do down along the property line and the snakes are out and about . . . I will have to now pull on my knee high rubber boots in order to work along the back property line and make a lot of noise and keep a sharp eye out.

          It seems Mr. Snake has already created his route for his midday prowl in and around where I am going to be working and resting in the sun on my bench.

          When I had come in from my walk the other morning, I already spotted a skink [little black and blue stripped lizard about 3 inches long] basking in the sun on the back brick steps.  He gave me a start and then I recognized him and smiled knowing it was officially spring. 

It is our country delight to observe all of God’s creatures and life renewing as we come out of cold winter into soft spring. I suppose that was what all the loud bird chatter was about earlier today. Mr. Snake was out looking for birds’ nests and the birds were talking about it between their species.

          In the future, when Mr. Snake of 4 feet long catches my eye, I doubt I will enjoy observing him whether it is spring renewal or not.    



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