2016 INDEX

Monday, October 17, 2016

October 17, 2016 – Tidbits, Teasers & Wanderings

As a warm up, two short poems of mine I decided to
dust* off this morning.

My husband is persnickety as a trout,
However, I love him without a doubt.

[I penned this in creative writing class under pressure!]

Let me kiss the face of your watch,
I love the time I spend with you.

[This one came to me when we were first dating and
I literally kissed the face of his watch on occasion and recited it.
It is now about 40+ years old.]

          I have one of those WellSpring Flip Notes in my purse at all times.  When I encounter a clever phrase – some written word, sentence, or comment that makes me stop and re-read, re-think, or simply admire, I write it down. 

I got a new quote this morning at church.  I was “advertising” my blog to people who might get a kick out of it.  [Everyone reading my blog – please share my blog address to all of your family and friends – I want an “AUDIENCE!”  Thank you very much!]

I was pushing my “Am I local yet?” Blog to a fellow parishioner I have known for years.   Matthew McEnnerney came back with, “I’m here on a Green card!”  That gave me a big laugh because he has been in the county longer than me.  He explained they only let him stay because his wife comes from an old family of this area.  He is originally from California. 

“May I quote you?” I asked opening my purse and getting my trusty WellSpring out.  He admired me asking if I could quote him. Matthew is a lectern at our church on a rotating basis.  When he speaks I close my eyes and let his cultured stage voice wash over me.  It is truly music to my ears.

As I said earlier, I have my WellSpring note taker with me at all times and I use it extensively at the appointments where I need to sit and wait.  It is RUDE to tear out a page from a current magazine as one must think of the other patrons. So I scribble little notes.

Every few months I have to put a new note pad in and today I had used up the last page. Let me share some of the tidbits I have jotted down with you.  Some of these are from random magazine articles and I did not always take info for proper citations.

9 compliments that make women feel beautiful.

1.     You’re ambitious
2.     You’re smart
3.     You’re hilarious
4.     You’re a leader
5.     You’re inspiring
6.     You’re balanced
7.     You’re a Doer
8.     You’re adventurous
9.     You’re bold

[This could be a handy thing to cut out and leave around for your lover, other- half, or husband to find.]

          [A phrase that caught my attention since I still love the feel of a glossy magazine]

“The more we long for the sumptuous printed page . . .”

[This group came from a travel magazine.]

. . . I want to be there response that gets you one step closer to actual sand between your toes. . . .
. . . almost cinematic window . . .
. . . are narratives that percolate over time . . .
. . . trips which change your forever . . .
. . . reverie . . .
. . . a counterpoint . . .
. . . tasseled hotel key . . .
. . . but far move evocative . . .

[I just about had my bag packed and my ticket bought!]

While opinions and facts are two different things,
occasionally they have something in common.

“. . . People tell me I am too negative.  That the modern world fits me like a thrift-store suit . . . I do not know when, precisely I turned the corner from hopeful open-mindedness and slammed head first into that dead end where curmudgeons go to die. . . .”

The source of my gift of writing is GOD.

Refreshment of my soul so that you can move on in times of trouble. You are my inheritances, Oh Lord.

Finally, for the sources I do know:

Our talents are on loan from God.
9/18/2016 - Father Herb Burke

Prayer is the great arena of the world; we are all on a level playing field. 10/16/2016 - Father Herb Burke

Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress
is the woman who is wearing it. 
– Yves Saint-Laurent.

[The above quote I noticed posted on the wall of a Stein Mart store in the ladies’ department. When I read that sign it talked me out of buying something instead of talking me into buying something. Odd, wasn’t it?]

NOTE: *Dust.  Check out the word dust at the link below:

Who knew a simple four-letter word was so incredibly rich with use? It surprised me.  I was checking myself on usage and look at the wealth of information, idioms and phrases, etc.

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