2016 INDEX

Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 2, 2017 – The best part of my day – Jasmine

          I am lucky enough that I have a “kissy kitty” by the name of Jasmine.  She is a calico long haired cat and as you can see from her baby picture above – she is adorable.  She is full grown now and I need to take some updated photos of her to share in a future blog.

          Jasmine is an indoor kitty and she has the full run of the house.  Her favorite place to take a nap seems to be on my computer chair in my office.  It must be the foam in the vinyl seat that holds her warmth.  When I have to move her off the seat, it is hot from her body heat. 

          Jasmine’s next favorite place is on a roughly made table that is even with the window sill in the living room where she peers out the front window keeping an eye on the birds and the neighbors.  She also peers out the back kitchen slider on a dining room chair keeping tabs on my husband and me when we are in the back yard. 

Her tail snaps and twitches when she watches the birds and squirrels and a few evenings ago she chirped an alarm when a wild rabbit came a few feet from the back patio. My husband went to see and the rabbit disappeared before I got to the window.  I am sure I will see the rabbit in the next few weeks.

And, often something will catch her attention and she will stand up on her hind feet like a merekat.   She doesn’t care much for visitors and will only peer out or mosey out after she is familiar with their voices.

          She chirps when she runs around the house.   Any empty box she thinks is hers.

          Early in the morning, usually around 4 to 5 a.m. she jumps on my bed and walks all over me until she wakes me and gets to sit on my chest to be rubbed and patted.  She kisses my hands with her rough tongue and then if she is really hungry for breakfast she will give me love bites until I get up and feed her.

          Jasmine has a “Rolls Royce” purr which is soft and smooth.  And, when she has had enough patting – she will jump down and sprawl out somewhere to show off her fluffy fat belly.

          She is spoiled and gets a little bit of finely diced roast chicken at each meal.  

          We have a short runner down the hall and sometimes at night she will run and jump on it to send it skidding for fun.   Then she runs from the other direction and skids it back into place.  She does this in the dark and it wakes us up – which is her objective to get a little bit of “cat cheerios” in her sea shell shaped cat bowl.

          If you are a cat lover, you know how sweet and dear your cat becomes.  If you have never had a cat – I suggest you adopt one from the shelter.

          There is nothing like a purring cat circling your ankles while you dish them out food – or jumping into your lap while you are reading the newspaper to look you in the eye and then touch noses with you. 

A cat has a way of weaseling into your heart so quickly that the tables are turned and it is the cat that owns you, not you owning the cat.

Jasmine is honestly the best part of my day.


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