2016 INDEX

Friday, April 7, 2017

April 7, 2017 - In the lap of luxury

My dog, Jack, is a handful.  He barks, he misbehaves, and I am constantly telling people who visit:

"His most redeeming quality it that he is cute."

Well, cuteness prevailed this morning.  After a restless night of hot, then cold, then it felt like too many pillows I woke up to the sounds of sheer contentment from Jack who is sound asleep on the small rug next to the side of my bed.

Often he starts out in one place at night and ends up in another in the morning.  His routine is he guards my husband by sleeping on the rug on his side of the bed, then sometime in the middle of the night he moves over to the rug on my side of the bed and guards me.

Always before I jump out of bed I look down to see if I have to step over him to get out of bed or not.

I lay awake and hear his deep sleep breathing and suddenly a contented sigh as he roused a bit to re-adjust himself in sleep.

I sat up and looked over the side of the bed and there he was curled up on two of my lace trimmed bed pillows.  His little black and white face snuggled into the softness of my bed pillows.

He was in the lap of luxury and he knew it.

So, that is where the pillows ended up.  Anytime they end up on the floor, he finds them and cuddles up in them.

I didn't have the heart to move him, he looked just like I always say:

Cuteness is his most redeeming quality.

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