2016 INDEX

Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 9, 2017 - Crop Fit

A few years ago I discovered that tossing around the 8 x 4 x 16 inch retaining blocks that I use for my raised beds makes me feel better the next day and for a few days.

You must be thinking I am crazy.  NO, I work slow and methodical and bend my knees carefully when I lift them up and then I am careful when I put them down slowly.  I take my time and the weight is sort of my resistance training.

I noticed every time I seemed to be working with bricks or blocks I would feel unusually "energized" the next day.

So, I am chomping at the bit for my pavers and sand to be delivered and they are saying Monday, tomorrow.  I certainly hope so.  At night in my dreams I have been installing them already.

I was so disappointed this Thursday when they called to say they ran out of bulk sand.  The delivery is set for Monday and I am more than impatient.

But, this idea of Crop Fit isn't crazy.  A few places on the internet have mentioned the idea of heavy garden work as a form of exercise.

When I get a load of mulch or a load of compost to top dress my gardens, I also get this "feel good feeling" the next day.  I sort of feel taller and more upright or something.  It must be all the stretching or all the muscle use work.  I don't know, I just know that when I am done at the end of the day I feel more than just satisfied with the project I have completed, I feel powerful as well.  Is that just in my mind?

I don't know - but I will monitor it closely when the pavers and sand arrive.  Looking forward to the exercise as well as the finished product.  And, looking forward to that "powerful" feeling again.

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