2016 INDEX

Saturday, April 8, 2017

April 8, 2017 - Sack of Live Rabbits

One morning I arrived almost late to work.  At the time I was swimming laps at the local college.  I got up at 6:00 a.m. and got my stuff together and got to the lap swimming class which started at about 7:00 a.m.

I enjoyed it, even though my husband teased me and called me "ORCA" on more than one occasion.  One day he even taped a picture of a killer whale on the refrigerator with a handwritten caption, "Orca swim team mascot." I took it in stride.

I would swim for as long as I could, sometimes I could manage 35 laps in the time available and then sometimes I would be wimpy and get in only 30 laps.  I did this for several semesters as I didn't "commute" to work at the time. The objective was to improve my appearance.

The time thing was difficult.  I had to shower and wash my hair and dry it and get into business clothes and get to work on time and I cut it close on many occasions, but I was never late.

Usually those days I wore something simple and dressed it up with a scarf or nice jewelry.

Another gal at work admired what I had on one day as I am dashing in from swim class and putting on my scarf.  I am wearing a straight black merino wool dress and am fussing with my scarf.   She said, "That looks great on you, that dress, but I just can't seem to do the straight skirt, I've got too much hips."

I said, "No you don't, you've got a great figure."  She was tall and had a small waist and her bottom matched her top.  I thought she looked fine.

"If I wore that dress and passed by it would look like a sack of live rabbits," Janie said.

I laughed most of the day about that and when I think of Janie the first thing that comes to mind is her "sack of live rabbits" rear end view comment.

I spotted a woman today who should have looked in a full length mirror on all sides, especially the back.  When she walked down the grocery store aisle, it looked like a sack of live rabbits and I had to quickly turn around and cut into another aisle as I started to laugh.

Thank you Janie, the rabbits seem to be alive and well here in Forest City.

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