2016 INDEX

Friday, December 15, 2017

December 15, 2017 –  . . . I think we’ve become our parents!

         There is a commercial on TV I see once in a while where there is a group in a talk session and each member is admitting to something that he is doing that mirrors what his parent does.  The point of the advertisement is . . . “we’ve become our parents.”  Then the rest of the TV ad is geared at an advertisement for the product.

         Ken and I have been in communication on estate matters and I sent an email and asked a “punch-list” of questions for the attorney to answer. I make sure I copy my brother – keeping him in the loop as they say in business – and he gets to see the questions, then see the answers.

         “You are just like Mom, you ask questions and get the answers.”  He said in a matter of fact manner.

         His remark made me smile and I said, “Thank you, that is the sweetest thing you can ever say to me.”

         “I guess I am just like Dad then, you calling me jack-of-all trades the other day,” he replied.

         Now that both of our parents are gone, that is what we have become – sort of mirror images of Mom and Dad.  How could we not?  They raised us, steered us, and gave us good counsel when we needed it.  The other saying I hear often is – “The fruit doesn’t fall to far from the tree.”  That idiom fits us too.

         When I hear little snippets like that from my brother Ken, it warms the cockles of my heart.  

This afternoon, it improved my disposition as I had just come in from buying special Christmas cards for my immediate family and my husband.

         A while ago, I admitted on this blog that buying aftershave after my Dad had died was too difficult for me for several years due to missing him.  Well, I can now report, buying greeting cards is going to be just as hard to do for the next few years.

         Every year I’d pick the very nicest card from the selection for my parents.  Until 2010, it was always to the both of you from the both of us cards or the Mom and Dad at Christmas. Then when Dad died, I had to settle on just cards that said “For you Mom”.  When I card shop, I go alone and I actually read most of the cards available and decide which one hits me right.

         Well I didn’t need to buy a card for Mom this year, as she passed away in October, but one card was at the top and dead center and it caught my attention.  I picked it up.

The front cover started:

“Loving Parents are a Gift from God.”

It continued on the cover,

“How can we thank God enough for you . . .


The inside left page text:

“Loving parents
rejoice when you’re happy
and encourage your dreams . . .
pray for you. . .
see the best in you . . .
love you, no matter what . . .
and shine God’s light
into your world
to help you find your way.

Loving parents
are a gift from God
you treasure even more
as time goes by . . .”

The right hand page text:

“The gift of wonderful parents like you
is one of the nicest blessing of all.

Merry Christmas with Love
To Both of You.”

         I bought the card even though both my parents are now both dead.  The sentiment was perfection and so moving.  I’ll sign it and date it and put it in with the other A.D. [after death] letters I have been writing Mom to get over the hurdle of not being able to pick up the phone and talk to her.  [Terribly one sided, but it does help.] I think she will understand.  Maybe it will help mend this hole in my heart I alluded to a few days back.

         Yes, I feel my parents were perfect parents.  I pray thanking them for my wonderful life. Even though they are no longer with me in this world, I need to keep in communication with them because they are waiting for me in the next world.

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