2016 INDEX

Sunday, December 31, 2017

December 31, 2017       Times have changed

         Santa Claus brought me a “fake” fur collar.  It is a black fur collar that wraps around your neck and one end tucks into the other at the front or you can wear it like a scarf.  I’d been admiring them for the last few years and finally the prices have dropped, there was a sale, and a style and color I liked.  Best of all, Santa was with me that day.  Santa likes a sale just as much as anyone does.

         Since Christmas, I’ve worn it a couple of times.  I am amazed at how warm it makes you feel.  It is just an eight-inch width by 48 inches long swath of black fake fur draped around your neck and chest but it is a furnace of warmth.

         Putting it on this evening getting ready for Mass tonight, it reminded me of a childhood moment in church.

         Back then, in the mid 1960s women dressed for church and our little 150 seat Catholic church was no different.  Pumps, pillbox hats, gloves, and there was one “well to-do” woman who would wear real fox furs.  She had a pair of them, and the nose of one would clamp near the tail of the other and that nose of the other would clamp on the first one’s tail.  One fox would drape along her chest and the other around the back and shoulders of her trim-fitted tweed wool suit.  Being a small parish, I knew just about everyone who attended our church, but this woman would often come to our church during the Christmas Holidays as a visitor.  I never knew who she was.

         Being about six or eight years old at the time, I was awe struck by the foxes, especially the one time the woman sat in front of me at Mass.  I was sitting next to my Mom who watched me looking at the fox dangling in my full view. Half way through Mass as we were standing, my little hand reached out to touch the big fluffy tail and my Mom unobtrusively slipped her hand over mine and entwined my fingers in hers softly and held my hand for much of the Mass.  The temptation had been too much for me and my mother understood that and hadn’t made a scene by scolding me.  I sure got my up-close look – but NO TOUCH that day.

         So, when I see an old movie of the 1940 or 1950’s vintage that has an actress in a trim wool suit and fox furs draped over her – I sit up and pay close attention.  I still think they are glamorous and stylish.

         Yes, times have changed, anyone wearing a real fur risks being painted by the save the animal activists.  I know, I know . . .

         But, no one can tell me that everyone is struck with horrors when then see fake fur these days.  The glamour is still there and I had a taste of it tonight. I couldn’t help but notice others glancing my way – not with distain, but what I perceived to be a silent want hidden behind a subtle smile.

         I actually was hoping that there was a small child behind me at church so I could graciously let him or her pet my fur collar.

         Memories are wonderful things – they can transport you back in time in an instant.

         I hope you have many good memories on New Year's Eve.

Happy New Year to you.

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