2016 INDEX

Friday, December 8, 2017

December 8, 2017 – Fashion Tip – full skirts

         “Why are you hanging that skirt by the hem?” my girlfriend asked.

         “It doesn’t wrinkle as much that way,” I answered.  I did notice that she gave me a funny look.  I would love to be omniscient when it comes to these “funny look” moments.  ‘WHAT?’ I want to ask, but I keep my mouth shut.  Do they think I am insane, out-to-the-moon, a purist or perfectionist, dumb or smart?  I never can tell.

         BUT, let me share with you my fashion tip for full skirts.  I happen to like a full skirt with elastic at the waist for a change.  It is feminine, easy wearing, a great lady-like alternative to pants.  They are great for sitting a long time – like on a plane or at a recital.  You just slip it on, add a pretty coordinating top, toss on a blazer and you are ready to walk out the door in flats or heels.  Trust me, you will look great in a full skirt.

If you are slender, it is extremely flattering.  If you are not slender – like me, you just have to live with the size you are and accept it.

         Me, I am living with my size and I have two ‘hunt club’ print skirts for my fall and winter season.  One is black background with horses and hounds racing all over it and the other is beige background, again with horses and hounds racing all over it.  The prints are classic and I hate to admit, but I’ve had them countless years.  I made them and they have deep hems that make them hang beautifully. The hem lines fall to the lower calf range – about 12 inches inches from the floor – so you get only the view of my thin ankle and pretty shoe, but not my fat calf.  I can get away with the length due to my height.

The black one is rayon challis and the beige one is wool challis.  The only problem I found when I hang them in the closet from the waist band, is the soft folds of the fabric from the waistband down the length of the full skirt turn into hard creases in the closet between wearing and you have to iron those creases out of the skirt before you can wear them or they looked more like “pleated” skirts than full skirts.  I sure don’t have the time for ironing out the creases when I am getting dressed – do you?

         A few years back I figured out if I hang the skirts from the hems, they don’t get the same type of deep-creased folds that need to be ironed out.  I take the skirt by the hem and hold it out, fold it softly side-to-side twice at the hem and then clamp the folded hem with a pants hanger, which hangs it from the hem.  I get far fewer creases in the skirt that way.

         So, that is my fashion tip for the day.  Try it, you’ll love it. Also, don’t care what strange looks you get from your friends, you’ve my permission to share my secret with them or . . . not!

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