2016 INDEX

Thursday, January 30, 2020

And the impeachment continues on.

January 30, 2020 – And the impeachment continues on.

         I’ve been tossing phrases at the television during live coverage that my Mom and Dad used to say when I was a kid.

         “What has that got to do with the price of tea in china?”

         “Yadda, yadda, yadda.”

         “Yawn,” with arms stretched out and arching my back.

         I can say with some evidence, the only people enjoying this impeachment thing are Political Science majors.  YUP, that is what I got my college degree in – Political Science.  I’m actually interested in this – especially the Trump side – because the language is what I used to listen to day in and day out in my transcription headphones as a legal secretary.

         As I watch my husband’s eyes glaze over, I smile quietly to myself because I actually know what Trump’s legal team is saying with their fancy legal terminology and their conservative decorum.

         Meanwhile, I am embarrassed for the Democrats’ histrionics.  I’ve never seen such, such - I can’t find the words for it.

         So, there were 18 witnesses and there have been 17 transcripts released.

         My number one question is:

         Why do House Democrats conceal the testimony of Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community’s inspector general?

         Obvious to this layperson the answer is – because it has exculpatory evidence for Trump, not against Trump.   Many can ask the question – what are they hiding?

         Just in case you haven’t learned what exculpatory means by now – evidence favorable to the defendant – in this case Trump.

         Seems like, history repeats itself, - Bill Clinton, and possibly Donald Trump.

         Now to close for the day with a comment I heard last week about the Kobe Bryant crash. 

         One newsperson mentioned he’d spoken with Kobe Bryant about talent and the conversation had gone something like:  

         Kobe was talking about “talent” and Kobe said: 

Work as if you have none.

That is fabulous inspiration for everyone.


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