2016 INDEX

Friday, January 31, 2020

The insults being tossed about – I am sick of it

January 31, 2020 – The insults being tossed about – I am sick of it

         The Trump supporters have been called all sorts of names:



racists, gun carrying, smelly Walmart, Bubba rednecks, and bible thumpers,


         Those are only a few – I had a list jotted down to keep track, but I’ve mislaid it momentarily.  I plan on writing all of them on the front and back and even down the sleeves, if necessary due to lack of room, on a T-Shirt and wear to a Trump rally in the future.

         Now, I have had enough.  The elitist CNN new media Don Lemon and Rick Wilson making cracks about ignorant rubes – Trump supporters being so ignorant that we don’t know where Ukraine is.

         The smartass remark, “a “U” and a crane on a map to find it” was not funny.

         I imagine I could ask that question of Ivy League college students and I’d get a blank stare.

         Us news watching Americans, those red/white/blue patriots not only pay attention to the news and we have for years, we also subscribe to daily newspapers, and monthly or weekly conservative magazines which do have intensive articles of Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea when Russia invaded it.  We actually do know where Ukraine is.

         Many of us are further concerned about the Russian pipeline networks from Russia through adjoining countries and the power that it wields.

         Just for fun, anyone who doesn’t know where Ukraine is, search on Ukraine and Russian pipelines and then sit with that for a while and think about it.

         What you elitists don’t realize – for every insult directed at the so-called cult following of Trump – you are firming our resolve, making us go out of our way to recruit more people who will vote for him in the 2020 election.

         You want to bitch about Trump and his policies?  Are you bitching that your 401(k) is worth more?  Compare the 18,589 stock market close  the day before the 2016 election and the January high - 29,000 and receding only a few days ago because of  the Coronavirus situation.

         Listen up FAKENEWS talking heads STOP calling us idiots – look in the mirror at yourself.

         Think carefully about what is happening in this country. 

Mark Twain one said,

         If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.


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